
  • 网络High rise residential buildings;high-rise apartment building
  1. 静压管桩基础用于高层住宅楼工程中的几点措施

    A number of measures for static pressure pile foundation for high-rise apartment building

  2. 某高层住宅楼CFG桩复合地基非线性沉降规律监测分析

    Analysis on the Nonlinear Subsidence Survey Results of CFG Pile Composite Foundation of a High-building

  3. 石家庄某高层住宅楼外保温采用EPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统。

    Outer insulation system of external wall of thin-plastered EPS board was used in a high rise residential building in Shijiazhuang .

  4. 西安交通大学第一医院1号、2号高层住宅楼工程,在结构施工阶段外防护和外墙装修时,外脚手架采用PJ-01型导轨式整体提升架。

    In the structural construction and external decoration of residential buildings No. 1 and No. 2 of the First Hospital of Xi'an Traffic University PJ-01 integral lift frame with track was adopted which could be recycled after installed making the progress faster .

  5. 冷轧带肋钢筋在高层住宅楼中的应用实践

    Application of Cold Rolled Ribbed Steel Bar in High-rise Housing Project

  6. 某高层住宅楼采用集中式空调系统的经济性分析

    Economic Analysis Of Central Air-conditioning System For A High-rise Residential Building

  7. 太原某高层住宅楼流砂的控制与治理

    Control and Treatment of Quicksand in a High-rise Residence of Taiyuan

  8. 高层住宅楼大模板施工工艺的应用

    The application of large formwork construction technology in high-rise building

  9. 高层住宅楼冬期施工混凝土质量控制

    Quality control of concrete construction in winter of high-rise building

  10. 高层住宅楼深基坑密排列式桩锚支护技术

    Piles and Anchors Strutting Technology of Deep Puddle Strutting of High-rise Dwelling

  11. 某高层住宅楼基础加固补强

    Reinforcing and Strengthening of a High-rise Residential Building 's Foundation

  12. 高层住宅楼创优良工程的质量保证措施

    Measurements of Ensuring Tall Resident Quality for Superior Project

  13. 某高层住宅楼转换层施工案例分析

    Case study on transform layer in high-rise residential building

  14. 高层住宅楼电气设计的相关问题研究

    The Problem Exploration Related to the Electrical Designs for the High-level Apartment Buildings

  15. 某高层住宅楼现浇砼楼板斜裂缝成因的分析与计算

    Analysis and calculation for cracks of cast-in-place concrete floors of a high building

  16. 高层住宅楼地下水泵房进水系统噪声的治理

    Noise Treatment of Intake-system in the Under-floor Water Pump House of High Building

  17. 某小区高层住宅楼地基基础设计

    Base foundation design of one high - rise building

  18. 就如何提高建筑工程质量从质量管理的几个方面进行了论述。大同铁路分局老三栋高层住宅楼砂基坑支护

    Sand foundation pit support in one high-rise building work of Datong Railway Substation

  19. 太原某高层住宅楼钻孔灌注桩施工工程实录

    The Construction Memoir for the Bored Pile of the High Hosing Project in Taiyuan

  20. 高层住宅楼转角窗设置的技术探讨

    Discussion on the technology with respect to installing of cross-window in tall building house

  21. 某高层住宅楼建筑面造型设计构思

    Architecture modeling design of high - rise residence

  22. 某高层住宅楼基础施工中,发现土洞、岩溶发育。

    Some caves in soil and karst have been found in residence mansions foundation construction .

  23. 然而,这是目前高层住宅楼建筑设计中普遍存在的问题。

    However , these are existent general issues in the high-level apartment building design at present .

  24. 静压灌浆处理济南某高层住宅楼岩溶地基

    The application of static pressure grouting in karst foundation treatment of one high-rise building in Jinan

  25. 城市临街高层住宅楼交通噪音的控制方法&以北京望京新城某临街高层住宅楼防噪方法为例

    The methods of traffic noise reduction of facing street high-level residential building : a case in Beijing

  26. 太原理工大学高层住宅楼墙、板等构件采用清水混凝土施工工艺。

    The structure components of residence buildings of taiyuan university of technology adopt fair faced concrete construction crafts .

  27. 这是波特兰市中心的三栋高层住宅楼,它们不会因为谈及下水系统感到脸红。

    This is three high-rise residential buildings in downtown Portland , and they 're not flushing to the sewer system .

  28. 深层水泥搅拌墙在天津海河花园广场高层住宅楼基坑支护中的应用

    Application of the Deep Agitating Cement soil Walls as Bracing Structure for A Foundation Pit of High rise Buildings at the Haihe Garden Square

  29. 结合铁十二局17~#高层住宅楼基础施工过程,介绍了为确保冲(钻)孔灌注桩质量所采取的技术措施。

    17 residential tall building of the 12th Railway Construction Bureau , this paper introduces the technical measures to ensure the quality of percussion piling .

  30. 本文中的工程实例为一栋高层住宅楼,此楼主体刚刚封顶,在对该楼施工中的沉降观测发现,楼体东侧沉降量高于西侧很多。

    In the settlement observation of this house during the construction , we found the value of east settlement of the building is more than the west one .