
gāo guān
  • senior official;high official;high-up;vizierate
高官 [gāo guān]
  • (1) [senior official]∶官位高的人

  • (2) [vizierate]∶大臣的职务

高官[gāo guān]
  1. 桑弘羊是一位长期掌控中央财政经济运转的高官,为汉武帝增加财政收入推行了适时的经济政策。

    Sang Hongyang was a high official who had long been in charge of the operation of the central finance and economy in Han Dynasty .

  2. 在梦中,他当上了高官,并过着一种富足舒适的生活,只是醒来后才发现锅中小米仍然在火上煮着。

    He dreamt he became a high official and enjoyed a life of wealth and comfort , only to wake up and find that the pot of millet was still cooking for him on the fire .

  3. 鲍威尔升任高官的不寻常历程对数以百万计的人都是一个激励。

    Powell 's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions

  4. 11位高官因莫须有的罪名被处以绞刑。

    Eleven key officials were hanged on fabricated charges .

  5. 他太特立独行,永远不可能做高官。

    He was too much of a maverick ever to hold high office .

  6. 每一家军火公司都是由高官家族控制的。

    Every single one of the arms companies is controlled by the families of high officials .

  7. 一些公司公然违反规定,贿赂高官。

    Some companies flouted the rules and bribed officials of high rank .

  8. 那位美国高官说,政府资助的经济间谍活动日益增多。

    Government-sponsored economic spying is growing , the senior official said .

  9. APEC组织结构分层级运作:领导人非正式会议、部长级会议、高官会、委员会和工作组以及秘书处。

    The APEC organization has a tiered structure : Informal Leaders ' Meetings , Ministerial Meetings , Senior Officials ' Meetings , Committee & Working Group Meetings , and Secretariat .

  10. 国王被感动了,给了他们很多金银和高官职位。

    The king was moved and gave them gold and silver and high positions .

  11. 吕新华说,国家坚决打击腐败,去年就有31名高官因腐败接受调查,其中有些是部级以上干部。

    China is firmly resolved to fight corruption1 , and last year , 31 senior officials , some of them above ministerial level , were investigated for graft2 , Lyu said .

  12. 许多抗艾领域的高官都曾在加州大学旧金山分校(UniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco)一起学习、培训,并共同完成研究项目。

    trained each other and done research projects together through the University of California , San Francisco .

  13. 当人们就某些外交关系是否明智询问土耳其高官时,他们会提到巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)。

    Ask high-ranking Turkish officials as to the wisdom of some of these relationships and they refer to Barack Obama .

  14. 奥巴马(Obama)政府的一位高官表示,升级后的战斗机将提升台湾空军的生存能力、可靠性及作战能力。

    A senior Obama administration official said that the upgraded aircraft would increase the survivability , reliability and combat capability of the Taiwan air force .

  15. 上周末,联合国(un)一致通过了一项决议,其中包括对利比亚高官实施旅行禁令,并扣押资产。

    Over the weekend , the UN passed a unanimous resolution that included a travel ban for senior Libyan officials and asset seizures .

  16. 欧盟高官相信,德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)对达成协议抱有更加开放的心态。

    Senior EU officials believe Angela Merkel , German Chancellor , is more open to a deal .

  17. 辛格的政府已深陷各种丑闻泥潭,包括英联邦运动会(commonwealthgames)、贿选以及一桩涉及军方高官的土地诈骗。

    His administration is already mired in scandals over the Commonwealth Games , cash for votes and a land scam involving military top brass .

  18. 前一阵子,我因为在文章中说巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)对阿拉伯起义反应迟缓,遭到了一位美国高官的斥责。

    The other day I was chided by a senior US official for writing that Barack Obama had been slow to respond to the uprisings .

  19. 郭氏兄弟周五获准保释,一同获释的还有港府前高官许仕仁(rafaelhui)。

    The Kwoks were released on bail on Friday along with Rafael Hui , a former top government official .

  20. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)的高官们在今年7月的一篇博文中指出,此类QE将是有效的。

    In a blog post in July , senior officials of the International Monetary Fund argued that such QE would be effective .

  21. 部长们指示高官建立监督机制,以保证妇女融入APEC主流活动。

    Ministers tasked officials to complete the development of monitoring mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of gender mainstreaming initiatives in APEC .

  22. 在上海的斯德哥尔摩中国论坛(StockholmChinaforum)上,我听到一名中国高官称,日本首相挑衅了邻国,犯有历史修正主义和军国主义。

    The Japanese prime minister , I heard a senior Chinese official remark at a gathering in Shanghai of the Stockholm China Forum , was guilty of provocation , historical revisionism and militarism .

  23. 美国副国务卿尼古拉斯伯恩斯(nicholasburns)将于今天与日本高官进行会谈,预计也将被告知同样的信息。

    Nicholas Burns , US undersecretary for state , will be told the same in a round of meetings with senior Japanese officials today .

  24. 据一位德国高官称,德国政府希望首先确保可进行杠杆操作的4400亿欧元欧元区纾困基金正常运转,然后才考虑新的IMF资源。

    According to a senior German official , Berlin wants to ensure that a leveraged € 440bn eurozone rescue fund is up and running before considering new IMF resources .

  25. 一位政府高官表示,作为各方殷切期待的增长战略的一部分,将敦促政府养老投资基金(GovernmentPensionInvestmentFund)和其他机构投资者提高股票持有上限,同时更频繁地行使投票权。

    As part of an eagerly-awaited growth strategy the Government Pension Investment Fund and other institutional investors will be urged to lift automatic caps on equity holdings while exercising voting rights more frequently , according to a senior government official .

  26. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)和东欧各国政府的高官表示,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司提出了削减出口规模、使其客户没有剩余天然气逆向流动至乌克兰的可能性。

    Senior officials in the European Commission and in eastern European governments say Gazprom has raised the prospect of reducing export volumes so that its customers have no gas left over for reverse flows to Ukraine .

  27. 欧盟(EU)各国财政部长和央行高官周末决定,在为欧盟从事跨境业务的银行或其它金融机构纾困方面,不应预设固定规则。

    European Union finance ministers and central bankers decided at the weekend against establishing fixed rules in advance on how to bail out banks or other financial institutions that have cross-border operations in the EU .

  28. 不过,奈不仅是一位知名的学术分析家,也是一位爱国者和前五角大楼(Pentagon)高官。

    However , as well as being a leading academic analyst , Nye is also a patriot and a former senior official in the Pentagon .

  29. 欧洲一位高官表示,欧盟直接与西班牙财长路易斯德金多斯(luisdeguindos)举行了谈判。

    One senior European official said negotiations have been conducted directly with Luis de Guindos , the Spanish finance minister .

  30. 此言是雅典方面不满声音的一部分,这些声音使得欧盟(EU)很多高官确信,他们再也无法与希腊敲定协议以阻止该国退出欧元区。

    They were part of a chorus of defiance in Athens that left many senior EU officials convinced they can no longer clinch a deal with Greece to prevent it from crashing out of the eurozone .