
  • 网络pressure tubing;INJECTION PIPE;High pressure tubing
  1. 车用发动机高压油管振动分析与控制

    Fuel Injection Pipe Vibration Analysis and Control of the Vehicle Engine

  2. 计算结果表明,PTC材料加热高压油管内燃油,可以有效地提高柴油温度。

    The calculation results show that the diesel fuel in the highpressure fuel pipe is heated by the PTC materials effectively .

  3. 高压油管接头Z-pin技术增强机理研究

    Research on Z-pin Reinforcement of High Pressure Fuel Tube Joints

  4. 按照SOLAS(际海上人命安全公约)求,船用柴油机高压油管必须设置防护及报警装置。

    According to the requirements of SOLAS , the protective and alarm unit must be set in a high-pressure oil pipe of the marine diesel engine .

  5. 对柴油机高压油管进行应力分析,并以高压油管本身作为敏感元件设计应变式油管压力传感器,并将传感器安装在S195柴油机上进行测试。

    After detailed stress analysis of the diesel engine high pressure fuel tube with fuel tube itself as sensitive part , a new type of pressure sensor was designed .

  6. 结合模态分析理论,提出了改进管形、管夹的设计方案,并利用有限元分析方法,指导高压油管的改进。

    The finite element analysis is used to guide the design .

  7. 高压油管密封锥头镦制成形研究

    Research on the Upset Forging for Seal-Cone of High Pressure Fuel Pipe

  8. 柴油机高压油管压力传感器设计

    Design of High Pressure Fuel Tube Sensors in Diesel Engine

  9. 高压油管对燃油喷射特性影响的计算研究

    Computational Investigation for the Effect of Injection Line on Fuel Injection Characteristic

  10. 机车柴油机高压油管压力波形识别技术

    Recognition Technique for High-pressure-pipe Pressure Waveform of Locomotive Diesel Engine

  11. 柴油机高压油管压力波检测仪的现场应用

    Field Application of the Diesel High Pressure Oil Pipe Pressure Wave Detection Instrument

  12. 经过试验测试,改变连接方式后有效缓解了高压油管的振动。

    It is shown that vibration is lighten efficiently when connection is changed .

  13. 柴油机高压油管残余压力的测量分析

    Measurement Analysis of Residual Pressure of a Diesel Engine 's High-Pressure Fuel Pipe

  14. 出油阀偶件密封性与高压油管压力波分析

    Analysis of Sealing Property of Outlet Valve Couple Parts and Pressure of High-Pressure Pipe

  15. 高压油管采用双层防护式结构,安全、可靠;

    Adopting the jacketed high pressure fuel pipe , it is safe and reliable .

  16. 柴油机高压油管防护装置

    A Protective Unit for High-pressure Oil Pipes

  17. 高压油管长度对柴油机性能影响的分析

    Analysing the Effect of the Length of High Pressure Fuel Pipe on Diesel Engine Performance

  18. 高压油管镦头机的设计和计算

    The Design Calculation of a Hammering Machine for Making Sealing Ends of Fuel Injection Tubes

  19. 完成对工作油缸、高压油管以及阻尼调节器牛顿流体的流体力学分析。

    Fluid mechanics are analyzed in the working cylinder , high-pressure oil pipeline and MR valve .

  20. 分析结果表明,高压油管的开裂是应力腐蚀开裂造成的。

    The results show that the cracking of the pipe is a kind of stress corrosion cracking .

  21. 利用夹持式传感器测得高压油管的油压波形,并提取了燃油系统故障特征参数。

    A new clamp-on transducer is used to detect the pressure waveform of fuel in fuel pipe .

  22. 柴油机共轨管与高压油管结构参数对系统的影响

    Influence of change of common-rail and high-pressure fuel pipe parameters in electric control system of diesel engine on system performance

  23. 基于高压油管外卡油压信号的柴油机实时转速测量方法研究

    Research on Measure Method of Real-Time Rotate Speed in Diesel Based on High Pressure Oil Pipe External Oil Pressure Signal

  24. 研究结果证明结合瞬时转速分析、气缸压力示功图分析、缸内燃烧放热率分析和振动分析能诊断出柴油机高压油管漏油和排气门漏气故障。

    The results indicate that the pressure indicator diagram and cylinder head vibration power spectrum can obviously reflect the fault information .

  25. 结果表明,高压油管压力波能够反映出油阀密封性不良带来的影响。

    It is shown that pressure wave in high-pressure pipes can reflect the influence of bad sealing property of the outlet valve .

  26. 内燃机高压油管的波登效应及振动诊断登记有效期为3年,有效期满前,应按有关规定办理再次登记。

    Vibration Detection & Diagnosis for High-pressure Fuel Pipe of Diesel Engine ; The certificate should be re-registered prior to the expiry date .

  27. 针对柴油机高压油管内燃油压力波动特性,设计和选择了故障诊断系统的硬件和软件。

    According to the character of pressure wave in diesel high pressure line , the hardware and software of fault diagnosis system was designed and choose .

  28. 介绍了一个通过检测高压油管压力波诊断机车柴油机燃油喷射系统故障的检测系统。

    A system of diagnosing the faults of diesel locomotive system by means of detecting the pressure diagram of high pressure fuel-pipe has been introduced in this paper .

  29. 制动油泵通过高压油管与液压制动钳连通,液压制动钳与制动盘咬合。

    The brake oil pump is communicated with a hydraulic braking clamp through a high pressure pipe , and the hydraulic braking clamp is engaged with the brake disk .

  30. 介绍了中国铁道科学研究院机车车辆研究所研制的柴油机高压油管压力波检测仪在宝丰机务段的现场应用情况。

    The application of the diesel engine high-pressure pipe pressure-wave detecting instrument developed by china Academy of Railway Sciences Locomotive Car Research Institute in Baofeng Locomotive Depot is presented .