
qià qián shàng jí
  • anterior superior spine
髂前上棘[qià qián shàng jí]
  1. 介绍了手术步骤,手术适应证的选择,骨延长长度和髂前上棘后置安放的位置问题。

    Operative procedure , indications , the length of elongation and the proper position of the anterior superior spine were discussed .

  2. 一侧同期行骨盆延长髂前上棘后置术15例报告

    Lengthening of Pelvis and Posterior Transposition of Anterior Superior Spine in One Stage , 15 Cases Report

  3. 保温组病人入室后用充气式保温毯覆盖下半身,范围为双侧髂前上棘连线以下,调节充气温度为40°C,而对照组病人常规处理。

    To the heat preservation group , with forced-air-warming blanket covering the lower half . Cover a wide range of bilateral iliac spines on the attachment below , before adjusting air temperature of40 ℃ .

  4. 采用基于数字视频和数字图像处理的二维步态分析系统,对患儿步行时额状面的双膝(K)与双髂前上棘(I)之间的距离比(K/I)进行测评。

    The stepping of 5 children was assessed with a gait analysis system base on digital video and image processing which could provide distance rate between knees and hips ( K / I ) in gait phase .

  5. 结论前外侧肌间隙入路皮肤切口方向应从大转子前结节指向髂前上棘后方6cm;

    Conclusion Anterolateral muscle sparing approach should be located from the tubercle of greater trochanter to 6 cm posterior of anterosuperior iliac .

  6. 站在镜子前,一只手放于骨盆前方最凸出叫髂前上棘(ASIS)的位置。

    Standing in front of mirror , put one hand on the pelvic and in front you will find a prominence called ASIS .

  7. 第2组脐与左侧髂前上棘连线中外13和麦氏点头侧4cm处;

    Group 2 : the ports were located at the junction of the middle and outer thirds of a line joining the umbilicus to the left anterior superior iliac spine and 4 cm upon the McBurney 's point ;

  8. 螺钉进针点位于髂骨翼后外侧面坐骨大切迹和髂前上棘连线上方9.2±2.4mm,距坐骨大切迹38.5±3.8mm;

    The optimal entry point on the posterolateral ilium for the screw fixation was found to exist 9.2 ± 2.4 mm superior to the line between the anterior superior iliac spine and the greater sciatic notch and 38.5 ± 3.8 mm superior to the greater sciatic notch .

  9. 前交叉韧带重建新材料&髂前上棘腹股沟韧带阔筋膜复合体

    Anterosuperior iliac spine-inguinal ligament - fascia lata complex : an

  10. 青少年髂前上棘撕脱骨折的诊治探讨

    Diagnosis and treatment of anterior superior iliac spine avulsion fracture in adolescent

  11. 双侧髂前上棘撕脱骨折1例

    Avulsion fracture of bilateral anterior superior iliac spine : A case report

  12. 髂前上棘撕脱性骨折的治疗探讨

    Management of avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine

  13. 可吸收张力带治疗髂前上棘撕脱骨折

    Treatment of avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine with absorbable tension band fixation

  14. 经皮穿针治疗髂前上棘骨折17例

    Percutaneous needles fixation for the treatment of fracture of anterior superior iliac spine : A report of 17 cases

  15. 第二切口在髂前上棘下一横指横切口,切断股直肌直头。

    The second incision is made below and medial to the anterior superior iliac spine in a transverse and slightly oblique direction .

  16. 髂骨前缘包括髂前上棘被保留,但因为缺损太大,甚至穿衣服时也难以遮盖畸形。

    Anterior border of ilium including anterosuperior iliac spine was preserved , but because defect was so large , deformity was visible even under clothing .

  17. 结果对于耻骨上支内1/2、外1/2的骨折,平均钉长、螺钉与两侧髂前上棘和耻骨结节构成平面及矢状面的夹角,最窄处直径为皆有差异。

    Results In condition of the inner half and outer-half pubic ramus fractures , the mean screw length , the degree of angle 1 and 2 , the narrowest diameter were different .

  18. 对30名健康成年人进行了股骨头中点、髂前上棘、股骨粗隆尖点、髌骨下极、踝关节中点的体表标记和测量。

    Body surface mark and measurement about femoral head center , spina iliaca anterior superior , femoral trochanter major , patella apical and ankle 's middle point have been made in thirty healthy adults .

  19. 旋股外侧动脉升支外径平均为2.62±0.51毫米,主要分布于阔筋膜张肌及髂前上棘外侧缘。

    The ascending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery has an average external diameter of 2.62 ± 0.51 mm and supplies the tensor fasciae latae and the outer border of the anterior superior iliac spine .

  20. 肩胛下角位、髂前上棘位皮褶厚度分别在16岁(13.7mm、13.5mm)和18岁(17.5mm、17.1mm)达到高峰;

    The peak skinfold of inferior angle of scapula and anterior superior iliac spine appeared at 16 year old boys ( 13.7 mm , 13.5 mm ) and 18 year old girls ( 17.5 mm , 17.1 mm ) .

  21. 尸体取仰卧位,大腿外展,从髂前上棘沿腹股沟到耻骨结节作一切口,由耻骨结节向下后,至大腿内侧。

    Fresh adult lower limb specimens , the body supine , thigh Fair for all , from the groin to the pubic tubercle of the spine along the anterior superior iliac mouth , from the pubic tubercle down to the inner thigh .

  22. 将髂前上下棘间切迹命名为D点,作直线PD,并测量其距离。

    Line PC was perpendicular to the line AB. The anterior interspinous notch was named point D. The distance between PD was measured .

  23. 目的探讨带缝匠肌深层肌间隙筋膜蒂的髂前上下棘间骨瓣转位治疗股骨颈部位病变的解剖学基础。

    Objective To discuss anatomic basis for transposition of iliac bone flaps between anterior superior iliac spine and anterior inferior iliac spine pedicled with sartorius muscular fascia and intermuscular septum vessels .

  24. 方法解剖20具成年尸体标本(40髋),测量臀中肌前缘在髂嵴处起点距髂前上棘的距离,记录臀上神经的走向及与周围解剖标志的距离。

    Methods 20 adult cadavers ( 40 hips ) were used for anatomic research . The distance from the anterior border of gluteus medius muscle on the iliac crest to the anterior inferior iliac spine were measured . The orientation and location of the superior gluteal nerves was recorded .

  25. 右侧组置入常规骶髂拉力螺钉。可吸收螺钉治疗髂前上棘骨折

    Treatment of anterior superior iliac spine fractures with absorbable screw

  26. 旋髂深动脉,血管起点处外径(2.7±0.5)mm,起点距髂前上棘(4.3±0.7)cm;

    Deep circumflex iliac artery , the outer diameter of the original point is ( 2.7 ± 0.5 ) mm , the distance from the original point to the anterior superior iliac crest is ( 4.3 ± 0.7 ) cm .