
  • 网络scaffold branch; skeleton branch;scaffold
  1. 果树钙贮藏器官主要是骨干枝和直径1.0-5.0cm的根。

    The calcium mainly stored in the scaffold and the root in 1 . 0-5 . 0 cm .

  2. 一级骨干枝粗度行边比行内粗32.2%,其数量行边比行内多27.6%。

    The thickness of the primary branches and its number was 32.2 % and 27.6 % greater beside the rows than within the rows , respectively .

  3. 将每棵树作为一个树冠很矮的骨干枝来处理。其外层环带还有沟通树冠和树根的运输线。

    Treating each tree as a separate scaffold of a very low-headed tree . The outer zones are the conducting routes between the crown and the roots .

  4. 更新骨干枝,既能增强树势,平衡结果,又可提高成形中的产量;

    In backbone replacing , it can strengthen the tree power and balance the fruiting , and it can also raise the yield in the process of renewing ;

  5. 为提高枝量、花量和座果率,应对现行的乔化大冠树体结构,从骨干枝数量,树冠厚度和树冠形状上加以调整和改造。

    It 'S necessary to regulate and control the number of backbone branch , thickness and form of crown in order to increase the number of branches and flowers as well as the fruit setting percentage .