
By the end of 1966 to 1967 , Liaison offices in Beijing was withdrawn .
Drums , gongs and loudspeakers blaring revolutionary songs had made earplugs standard issue in the British Mission in Beijing .
Under the planned economy , the main function of Liaison offices in Beijing is to strive for material support to the Central Government .
All our rooms are opened to long term renting for business people , company or representative office in Beijing ect . , rental rates are negotiatable by meeting us .
In between the two commanders , there is a third in the person of Pu Hsi-hsiu , a capable woman of action in charge of the Peking office of Wen Hui Pao .
Francis Markus is spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Beijing . He says it is hard at this point to say whether the amount of aid pledged so far will be enough to ensure adequate relief efforts .