
  • 网络china project;china programmes;C-PMBOK
  1. 运输包装性能测试的总体考虑及中国项目

    General Consideration about the Transport Packaging Functional Test & The China Project

  2. 中国项目管理“时代”已经到来!你准备好了吗?

    China Project Management " Era " has arrived ! Are you Ready ?

  3. 作者是华盛顿卡内基国际和平基金会(CarnegieEndowmentforInternationalPeace)中国项目主管

    The writer is the director of the China Programme at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington

  4. 他还将在特雷克斯中国项目和整个公司的Oracle企业计算机系统的执行上扮演重要角色。

    He also will play a key role in TEREX 's China initiatives and the implementation of an Oracle enterprise computer system throughout the Company .

  5. 俄罗斯黄金矿业公司Petropavlovsk将通过一次香港上市,剥离其铁矿石业务。此前该公司成为最新一家获得中国项目融资的矿业公司。

    Petropavlovsk , the Russian gold miner , is spinning off its iron ore division in a Hong Kong listing after becoming the latest mining company to secure Chinese project finance .

  6. 通过招、标,达成所有中国项目交易。

    The incumbent will lead all Chinese project businesses via bids or tenders .

  7. 中国项目管理人才及其培养

    The Project Management Professionals and Cultivation in China

  8. 洛克菲勒基金会的中国项目(1913~1941)

    The Rockefeller foundation 's patronage of Science in China ( 1913 & 1941 )

  9. 先进的多边折弯技术&专访萨瓦尼尼集团中国项目主管张意华液压成形技术板料弯曲件的一模成形工艺

    One Die Forming Technology for Sheet Bending Part

  10. 补考将按库克中国项目补考和重修政策执行。

    Keuka China Programs policies governing the comprehensive grade replacement exam and repeating a course will apply .

  11. 我了解库克中国项目上海办公室不负有任何课程及学术规定之责任。

    I understand that the Shanghai Office of Keuka China Programs is not responsible for the curriculum and academic policies .

  12. 此外,这份报告中还提出了一些批评:中国项目雇佣受援国家的当地工人是一个备受争议的问题。

    While the report addresses some criticisms , saying Chinese projects employ local workers , it largely glosses over contentious issues .

  13. 教授,美国布兰戴斯大学及哈佛大学豪斯非盈利组织中心;国际艾滋病疫苗行动中国项目负责人。

    Professor Joan Kaufman , Brandeis University and Harvard University Hauser Centre for non-profit organizations , Team Leader , Vaccine Preparedness China , International AIDS .

  14. 李洹里尔都市圈国际发展署中国项目负责人,欧盟工商管理硕士,中欧投资领域专家。

    LI Huan Chinese project Manager of the Lille Metropole Development Agency , European Master of Business Administration , Expert in the China-Europe investment field .

  15. 而是依据同钾磷肥研究所中国项目合作的科学家提供的数据和高级科学家著述中的调查资料。

    Rather , this paper is based on data provided by scientists cooperating with the Potash and Phosphate Institute 's China Program , and survey information obtained by the senior author .

  16. 为提高社会性别主流化的能力和促进就业政策中的性别平等,国际劳工组织启动了中国项目。

    To increase the gender mainstreaming capacity and to promote gender equality in employment policy , the ILO initiated the China project and set up a " three plus one " mechanism .

  17. 本文针对建筑安装施工项目管理的特殊性,从建筑安装企业的角度出发,参考中国项目管理研究委员会编制的《中国项目管理知识体系》,构建了建筑安装企业施工项目管理的理论和分析框架;

    Refering to 《 Chinese-Project Management Body of Knowledge 》 that written by Project Management Research Committee , the paper constructed the theory and analysis framework for building project management of construction & installation enterprises .

  18. 武术进入奥运会不仅能够丰富奥林匹克的精神内涵,推进奥林匹克运动的发展,又能实现中华民族向奥林匹克贡献中国项目的心愿。

    The study also shows that Wu Shu 's entering Olympics will not only enrich the implication of the spirit of Olympics and promote the development of Olympics , but also will realize the Chinese nation 's hope of contributing event to Olympics .

  19. PMC与中国传统项目管理的比较

    Comparison of PMC and Chinese traditional project management model

  20. 请在中国PPP项目中,分配下列风险到你认为应该承担的部门中。

    Please allocate following risks to the sector whom you believe should bear in context of Chinese PPP .

  21. 中国桥项目:一万份奖学金(每年2500份,共分四年发放)将通过设在美国的各孔子学院(ConfuciusInstitutes)提供。

    Chinese Bridge Program : 10,000 scholarships ( 2,500 annually for four years ) will be available through various Confucius Institutes in the United States .

  22. 对运用BOT融资方式建成的南湖国际实验学校进行了反思;总结了中国BOT项目的经验和教训。

    It approaches the establishment of the South Lake National School with BOT financing mode , and summarizes the experience from BOT project in China .

  23. 去年中国经常项目顺差占GDP比重也大幅下降至仅为2.8%的水平。固然有不少理由可以使人相信中国经济增速放缓将是长期性的。

    China 's current account surplus also declined substantially to a mere 2.8 per cent of gross domestic product last year . There are good reasons to believe China 's slowdown is permanent .

  24. 美国参议院拨款委员会(SenateAppropriationsCommittee)要求五角大楼迅速对中国火箭项目进行评估,并找出那些签约使用中国发射设备的非中国公司。

    The Senate Appropriations Committee has asked for a swift Pentagon study assessing Chinese rocket programs and'identifying non-Chinese companies which are contracting to use Chinese launch vehicles .

  25. 在中国,项目会议以中英两种语言进行。

    Project meetings in China are conducted in English and Mandarin .

  26. 工作流在中国联通项目管理系统中的应用研究

    Researches on Application of Workflow in China Unicom Project Management System

  27. 中国矿业项目融资法律问题分析与对策建议

    An analysis of legal issues in mining project financing in China

  28. 中国援建项目造福千家万户

    China 's Aid Projects Bringing Benefit to Thousands of Households

  29. 中国资本项目下的资本外逃研究

    A Study on the Capital Flight in the Capital Account in China

  30. CITPEVS:一个评估中国IT项目成功的工具

    CITPEVS : a Tool to Evaluate the Success of Chinese IT Projects