
  • 网络Green Education
  1. 借绿色教育创可持续发展

    How to make Sustainable Development in " Green education "

  2. 绿色教育与高校图书馆的作用

    The Green Education and the Functions of University Library

  3. 论加强理工科院校的绿色教育

    Strengthen Green Education in colleges of science and engineering

  4. 浅谈绿色教育在包装类高等人才培养中的作用

    Plain Talk About the Functions of Green Package on the Training of Package Engineers

  5. 构建高等财经院校人才培养的绿色教育体系

    On Constructing Green Educational System of Talent Cultivation in University of Finance and Economics

  6. 本期关注:同济大学浅论高等院校的绿色教育

    On Green Education in Colleges and University

  7. 绿色教育应加强综合性研究,尤其是社会和人文研究;

    Strengthening integrated research in green education especially strengthening the humanities and social sciences study ;

  8. 绿色教育是实施可持续发展,构建和谐社会的重要基础。

    Green education is the important foundation of actualizing sustainable development and building harmonious society .

  9. 崇明生态岛建设中的中小幼绿色教育的调查研究

    An Investigation into Green Education Carried Out in Schools in Building up an Eco-Island of Chongming

  10. 绿色教育是实施环境保护和可持续发展战略的需要。

    It is necessary for green education to carry on environmental protection and sustainable development strategy .

  11. 文章分析了目前高校绿色教育的宏观背景,揭示了存在的问题,提出了相应的改革措施。

    This article has analysed the present background and problems and proposed the specific measures to improve it .

  12. 大学绿色教育是在可持续发展理论与实践中应运而生的一种教育理念。

    Green higher education is an idea that has resulted from the theories and implementation of sustainable development .

  13. 缺少开展绿色教育的成功体验造成教师情感的不足;

    Second , little success experience in carrying out green education has resulted in inadequate affection among teachers .

  14. 在这种相应的变化中,高等学校应树立绿色教育观念,开展绿色教育是其中不可或缺的内容。

    Universities should develop the concept of green education , which is the indispensable content of the corresponding changes .

  15. 对大学生进行绿色教育的探索与实践&以福建农林大学为例

    Exploration and practice of college students ′ green education & Taking Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University as a case

  16. 和谐、健康、稳定发展的绿色教育是我国文明程度提高的重要标志。

    The harmonious , healthy and stable development of green education is an important symbol of enhancement of our civilization .

  17. 绿色教育源自19世纪的环境教育即野外研究与教学方式。

    Education on environment awareness originated from environmental education or field study and teaching mode in 19 ~ ( th ) century .

  18. 绿色教育是为适应全球环境保护形势需要以及实现人类社会可持续发展而提出来的重要举措之一。

    Green education is an important measure to meet the demand of environmental protection and sustainable development of society in the world .

  19. 绿色教育是以环境教育为中心,以绿色心理培育和绿色伦理恪守为基本点的现代素质教育。

    Green education is centered around environmental education and based on the cultivation of green psychology and the observation of green ethics .

  20. 找准绿色教育与人文教育的结合点,是现代化学教育之追求。

    To seek for the merging point of green education and humanitarian education is the ultimate goal for the teaching of modern chemistry .

  21. 现阶段,我国可持续发展战略的实施使得大学生绿色教育成为一个倍受关注的研究领域。大学生绿色教育研究是一个既有理论价值又有现实意义的研究课题。

    At the present phase , the implementation of sustainable developmental strategy turns the undergraduate-green-education into a research area which attracts so much attention .

  22. 她在科大时,是“绿色教育先锋”的活跃分子。这个由生物系学生组成的团体,宗旨是推广环保意识。

    She was an active member of PEPA-Promotion of Environmental Protection Awareness , a group of biology students who spread the environmental message in Hong Kong .

  23. 文章对我国绿色教育的现状进行了表述,并就如何推行绿色教育提出了具体的措施。

    The paper states the current situation of green education in our county , and also suggests some specific measures to how to practise green education .

  24. 最后,本文分析了我国高校绿色教育的问题,并提出了一些有实践意义的对策。

    Finally , the paper analyzes the issue of green education of higher learning institution in China , in the meantime , put forward some practical significance of the response .

  25. 本文以全国生态环境最敏感和脆弱的四川民族地区为研究重点,积极探索民族地区绿色教育,创建民族地区双语绿色学校。

    Setting sensitive and fragile minority region of Sichuan in ecological environment as an important researching point , it actively explores green education and creates double languages and green schools in minority region .

  26. 基于生态文明理念的大学绿色教育是深化高教改革、全面实施素质教育、提高全民绿色意识,最终实现可持续发展的重要途径。

    The implementation of green higher education can play an important role in further reforming higher education , fully carrying on competence education , improving green consciousnesses and achieving sustainable development of the society .

  27. 发展绿色教育更新教育观念是先导,重视绿色教育课程建设,科学设计好教学内容、方法、手段是关键。

    The renewal green education idea leads first , the second is stressing green education course construction , in addition scientific designing the good content of course , method and means is the key .

  28. 通过个案调查发现,绿色教育先行学校已积累了一定的经验,这为区域性全面推进绿色教育提供了可作借鉴的案例。

    From individual case study , we found that schools which started green education earlier had had some experience , which would provide other schools with study cases that would benefit the regional promotion of green education .

  29. 随着近年来环境问题的加剧、资源危机的爆发和人类对可持续发展问题认识的深入,高等院校绿色教育研究已经在我国蓬勃的开展起来。

    With the aggravation of environmental problems and the outbreak of resource crisis and our deepening understanding of sustainable development , research on green education of higher learning institution have been carried out in our country prosperous .

  30. 在公民守法部分介绍了转变群众意识,接受绿色教育,提高公众的参与意识,创建绿色社区等问题。

    As for the part of citizen 's law abidingness , the author elaborated on the problems of transforming the public 's notions , accepting Green Education , improving the public 's participating consciousness and building up Green Community .