
  • 网络Marion;Francis Marion;Eloi Marijon
  1. 约翰∙韦恩出生时取名马里恩∙迈克尔∙莫里森。

    John Wayne was born Marion Michael Morrison .

  2. 它被称为录像机:马里恩斯托克斯项目。

    It 's called The Recorder : the Marion Stokes Project .

  3. 由迈克尔?曼弗雷迪和马里恩?魏斯设计。

    Michael Manfredi and Marion Gail Weiss designed the women 's memorial .

  4. 那时马里恩认识到帝米也死了。

    And that was when Marion realized that timmywas gone * Too .

  5. 詹姆斯·迪恩1931年出生于印第安纳州的马里恩。

    In1931 James Dean was born in Marion , Indiana .

  6. 老师:马里恩,你昨天怎么没有来上课?

    Teacher : marion , why weren 't you in school yesterday ?

  7. 我从未见过像马里恩那样缺乏幽默的人。

    I 've never known anyone so lacking in humour as marion .

  8. 警方呼吁任何看见过马里恩的人与他们联系。

    Police appealed for anyone who has seen Marin to contact them .

  9. 我还不能很好的画马里恩。

    I was never good enough to draw marion .

  10. 骑士团将它命名为“马里恩堡”,字面意思即“玛丽的城堡”。

    The Order named it Marienburg , literally " Mary 's Castle . "

  11. 前华盛顿特区市长马里恩?巴里从政40年。

    Former Washington Mayor Marion Barry has been a politician for 40 years .

  12. 马里恩在此期间一直照顾他,几乎没有离开过他的身边。

    Marion looked after him during this time , seldom leaving his side .

  13. 我很感激你能成为马里恩这样好的朋友。

    I 'm grateful to you for being such a good friend to marion .

  14. 但马里恩没法讲这个故事。

    But Marion can 't handle this story .

  15. 马里恩大夫负责医院医疗事务方面的所有决策。

    Dr Marion is the person in control of all medical decisions at the hospital .

  16. 马里恩的职业是新闻工作者。

    Marion works as a journalist .

  17. 马里恩:我不知道。我把它留在牙医那里了。

    Marion : I don 't know , miss . I left it with the dentist .

  18. 马里恩岸外生态研究

    Marion Offshore Ecological Study

  19. 你总是可以判断作品是不是马里恩写的,因为她有一种如此独特的风格。

    You can always tell if it 's written by Marion because she has such an individual style .

  20. 同时,爱迪生也带着妻子与两个孩子——马里恩和小托马斯·阿尔瓦搬到了门洛园。

    Meanwhile , Edison also moved his wife and two children , Marion and Thomas Alva Jr. to Menlo Park .

  21. 蚝口路是货车驶离监狱后第一个停下来的地方,也是马里恩第一个钻出车底的机会,”警方发言人说,“我们不知道那时候货车是在去斯旺西监狱的路上,还是在回来的路上。

    I expect he intended to get away when the van stopped and this was his first opportunity after leaving Parc Prison .

  22. 警方称马里恩与西部内陆有联系,可能会要求搭便车去那里。

    He has links with the West Midlands area and may have tried to hitch a ride with a motorist heading in that direction .

  23. 城堡所在的城镇也叫“马里恩堡”,1772年以前一直掌握在波兰手中,从那之后又历经173年,直到1945年才再次成为波兰领土,并以“马尔堡”之名著称。

    The town which grew around it was also named Marienburg , but since 1945 it is again , after 173 years , part of Poland and known as Malbork .

  24. 马里恩博士说他对兄弟俩的情况还并不完全了解,此外他还补充说,他们患有的病变是遗传性的,而且大脑智力在逐渐衰变。

    Dr. Marion , who said he had no specific knowledge of the brothers , added that the disorder they reportedly have is hereditary and that the mental deterioration happens gradually .

  25. 格拉迪斯的双亲奥蒂斯•埃尔默•梦露和德拉•梦露•格拉杰的垂暮之年都在精神病院度过,她的兄弟马里恩也被确诊患上偏执型精神分裂症。

    Both of Gladys 's parents , Otis Elmer Monroe and Della Monroe Grainger , lived out their twilight years in mental institutions , while Gladys 's brother , Marion , was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia .

  26. 马里恩说,但是他们并没有观察到以十年为周期的死亡率有什么差别,这表明“服用促红细胞生成素与心脏病发作之间并没有很强或直接的关联”。

    Instead , they observed no difference in the rate of death by decade , suggesting that ' probably there is no strong or immediate association with doping ' and heart attack , said Dr. Marijon .

  27. 电影描述了一位秘书马里恩(由珍妮特·利饰演),偷走老板的巨款之后前往了一间荒无人烟的汽车旅店,故事讲述了这位秘书与旅店经理-诺曼·贝茨(由安东尼·博金斯饰演)之间的相遇,以及之后的风波事件。

    The film depicts the encounter between a secretary , Marion Crane ( Leigh ) , who goes to a secluded motel after stealing money from her employer , and the motel 's disturbed owner and manager , Norman Bates ( Perkins ) , and the aftermath of their meeting .