
  • 网络mahdi;Al-Mahdi
  1. 根据某些批评人士的说法,内贾德和他身边的那些人认为,他们不需要通过中间人与什叶派穆斯林的最后一个阿訇马赫迪(Mahdi)联系。

    According to some critics , the president and those around him believe they do not need an intermediary to connect to the Mahdi , the last imam of Shia Muslims .

  2. 这就是我们一直以来如何清洁马赫迪军的。

    This is how we have been cleaning the Mahdi Army .

  3. 每个人都以一种新的眼光看待马赫迪军。

    Now everyone thinks of the Mahdi Army in a new light .

  4. 陈列于喀土穆哈里发博物馆的机枪。原属英军所有,被马赫迪的起义军缴获。

    A machine gun obtained by Mahdi forces , now exhibiting in Al Khalifa Museum .

  5. 他也没有像文章所暗示地那样抛弃了马赫迪,相反,当那两个在9号营的冲顶者拒绝下来帮助他们之时,他在黑夜中竭尽全力帮助这个罕萨人度过难关。

    On the contrary , he had done everything possible to help the Hunza make it through the night while the summiteers in the last camp had refused to come and help them .

  6. 根据伊拉克政府的“伊拉克团结联盟”和萨德尔民兵组织之间达成的协议,马赫迪军的激进分子将不再与萨德尔城内的伊拉克军队以及联军部队作战。

    According to the deal struck between the government 's United Iraqi Alliance and the Sadrist movement , militants belonging to the Mahdi Army will not engage in further fighting with Iraqi and coalition troops in Sadr City .