
  • 网络Mahone;mahon;Rick Mahorn
  1. 马洪的捐献条件包括,如果一家公立美术馆借入一件画作(国家美术馆借了28件),必须公开展示(或者公众能够很容易的接近它们)。

    Among Mahon 's conditions are that if a public gallery borrows a picture ( and the National Gallery has 28 ), it must remain on public view ( or be easily accessible ) .

  2. 也许马洪只是冰山一角。

    Perhaps mahone is just the tip of the iceberg .

  3. 马洪主编,《经济法概论》,上海财经大学出版社出版。

    Ma Hong , The Introduction of Economic Law , Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press .

  4. 今天上午,首届中国经济学奖颁奖典礼将在人民大会堂隆重举行,薛暮桥、马洪、刘国光、吴敬琏成为首届中国经济学杰出贡献奖的获奖人。

    Four Chinese economists have been given the country 's first ever China Economics Award for their outstanding contribution to the study of the discipline .

  5. 马洪受一项契约的限制,该契约规定只将地面部分的所有权卖给马洪及其继承人。契约允许一个煤炭公司挖走地面以下的所有煤炭而不负任何责任。

    The Mahons were bound by a covenant to permit a coal company , which had sold to them or their predecessor only the surface rights to their lot , to remove all the coal without liability .