
  1. 马晓光在发布会上介绍,台湾疫情暴发以来,大陆第一时间表达了愿意向台湾同胞提供大陆疫苗,支持民间机构向台湾同胞捐赠疫苗。

    As soon as the outbreak began in Taiwan , the mainland expressed its willingness to make prompt arrangements to provide the island with vaccines and to support NGOs in donating them to Taiwan compatriots , Ma said .

  2. 马晓光说,大陆坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的对台基本方针,反对一切分裂主义行为。

    Ma Xiaoguang says the mainland upholds the basic principles of peaceful reunification and One Country , Two Systems - and opposes all separatist acts .

  3. 国台办发言人马晓光还表示,台湾内部出现可能阻碍两岸系关发展的一些新情况。

    Ma Xiaoguang , a spokesman from China 's Taiwan Affairs Office , added that there were some ' new situations ' in Taiwan that might have snagged cross-strait development .