
  • 网络Markov property
  1. 利用在更换周期点上具有的马尔可夫性质,以系统首次故障前平均工作时间最大为目标建立了确定最佳更换周期的模型。

    Using the property of Markov at the points of replacement period , a model of determining the optimal period is developed with objective of maximizing the mean time to first failure of system .

  2. 利用布朗运动的强马尔可夫性等性质以及其相关的一些结果,给出了一类外区域问题数值解的概率算法。

    The probability numerical method for the exterior problem is obtained by using the strong Markov property of Brownian motion , some related results and so on .

  3. 本文按计算机模拟理论,编写出具有马尔可夫吸收链性质的非工作贮备系统可靠性的模拟模型。

    This paper has established a model to simulate reliability of a non-working reserve system of Markov 's absorbing chain character based on the theory of computer simulation .

  4. 本文以北京市土地利用变化监测数据为算例,提出了马尔可夫链统计性质的皮尔逊χ2拟合优度检验方法。

    Based on the land use change data monitored in Beijing , and with Pearson χ ~ 2 goodness-of-fit test , this paper examined the time stability and time independence of Markov chain of land use change .

  5. 有限二阶马尔可夫链的若干性质

    Some Properties of Finite Markov Chains of order 2