
  • Alibaba;Jack Ma;Alibaba.com
  1. 人们称他为"疯狂的马云"。

    People called him " Crazy Jack Ma " .

  2. 中国阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)的CEO马云也是人选之一。雅虎在该集团持有43%的股份。

    Jack Ma is CEO of China 's Alibaba Group , in which Yahoo has a43 % stake .

  3. 这说明马云的生意做得很成功。

    It shows that Ma Yun has done his business successfully .

  4. 马云最喜欢的这句话被印在了阿里巴巴的纪念T恤上。

    Ma ' s favorite line has been printed on Alibaba 's souvenir T-shirts .

  5. 出生在浙江杭州的马云从小就很快乐。

    Born in Hangzhou , Zhejiang , Ma grew up as a happy kid .

  6. 四年后,包括马云、他的妻子和他的朋友在内的18人在杭州创立了阿里巴巴。

    Four years later , 18 people including Ma , his wife and his friends founded Alibaba in Hangzhou .

  7. 在1995年的美国之行中,马云第一次接触到互联网。

    On a trip to the US in 1995 , Ma was shown the Internet for the first time .

  8. 马云曾经是一名英语教师,现在已经成为中国大陆最富有的人之一。

    Ma , who was an English teacher , has become one of the richest men on the Chinese mainland .

  9. 看到这个机会,马云回到中国,建立了一个名为"中国黄页"的网站,那时他甚至对电脑知之甚少。

    Seeing the chance , Ma returned to China and set up a website called China Pages without even knowing much about computers .

  10. 用阿里巴巴创始人兼主席马云的话说,新零售就是让实体商业和虚拟商业的差别不复存在。

    In the words of Jack2 Ma , founder3 and chairman of e-commerce behemoth Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd , New Retail is making the distinction between physical and virtual commerce obsolete4 .

  11. 问及此次IPO,马云说:“我们准备好了。”

    Asked about the IPO , Mr Ma says " We are ready . "

  12. 马云谈到了打造阿里巴巴生态系统以帮助众人的计划,而这种理念已经融入公司DNA中。

    Mr. Ma talks about building the Alibaba ecosystem to help people , a philosophy that is baked into the DNA of the company .

  13. 阿里巴巴的董事长马云(JackMa)曾经预计,今年该集团销售额将超过这家美国零售连锁店。

    Jack Ma , Alibaba chairman , has predicted it will overtake the US retail chain in sales this year .

  14. 马云回到家,创办了中国最早的网络公司之一中国黄页(ChinaPages);这是一个在线目录,帮助国内企业寻找海外客户。

    Mr. Ma returned home and set up one of the country 's first web companies , China Pages , an online directory for domestic businesses looking for customers overseas .

  15. 阿里巴巴创始人马云(JackMa)拥有深圳上市公司华谊兄弟(HuayiBrothers)4%的股权。

    Founder Jack Ma owns 4 per cent of the Shenzhen listed film-maker Huayi Brothers .

  16. 阿里巴巴协助操办了葬礼,2000多名员工出席葬礼,创始人马云(jackma)也亲自到场。

    Alibaba has co-ordinated the funeral , which is attended by more than 2000 employees as well as Alibaba founder Jack Ma .

  17. 上周,在科技博客AllThingsD召开的会议上,阿里巴巴公司(Alibaba)CEO马云称对雅虎非常感兴趣。

    At a conference hosted by all things d last week , Alibaba CEO Jack Ma said that he was interested in Yahoo .

  18. 他还以阿里巴巴的CEO马云为榜样,因为马云也把公司设在自己的故乡。

    He wants to imitate Ma Yun , CEO of Alibaba , who set up a business in his beloved hometown .

  19. 马云的英文名字是Jack,这个名字是一位外国游客给他取的,两人之后还成为了笔友。

    Jack Ma 's Chinese name is Ma Yun ; he was given the name Jack by a tourist who later became a pen-friend .

  20. 马云本人则用一个玩笑,对绰号“逍遥子”的张勇表示了欢迎。那个玩笑关于这位新任CEO的财务背景。

    For his part , Mr. Ma welcomed the new chief executive with a joke about Mr. Zhang 's financial and accounting background .

  21. 阿里巴巴的创始人和董事长马云(JackMa)在一封给员工的信件中称,年商品交易额将在5年后超过1万亿美元。

    Jack Ma , chairman and founder , predicted in a letter to employees that annual gross merchandise volume would exceed $ 1tn in five years .

  22. 在阿里巴巴早期的时候,随着eBay进一步深入中国市场,马云感觉到了威胁。

    As eBay pushed further into the Chinese market during Alibaba 's early years , Ma felt threatened .

  23. 马云说:像沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)这样的大型采购商,曾灭掉了许多中小企业采购商。

    Companies like Wal-Mart , these big-size buyers , killed a lot of SME buyers , says Mr Ma .

  24. 起初,很多人需要从中国武侠小说里选名字,因为阿里巴巴的老板(哎呦,我是说马云(JackMa))喜欢武侠。

    Many were initially required to choose from Chinese martial arts novels because Alibaba 's boss - oops , I mean Jack Ma - is a fan .

  25. 市值达2000亿美元的中国电商巨擘阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的马云在收购香港英文报纸《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)的问题上搞得一团糟。

    Jack Ma of Alibaba , the $ 200bn Chinese ecommerce giant , is making an awful mess of the purchase of the South China Morning Post , Hong Kong 's English-language daily .

  26. 马云预测,eBay在中国的运营很快就会崩溃,因为他们面临快速获利的压力。

    Mr. Ma predicted that eBay 's China operation would soon collapse because of pressure to deliver quick profit .

  27. BusinessInsider网站日前盘点了全球科技行业最有影响力的20位大佬,马云、马化腾和李彦宏等中国企业家榜上有名。

    Business Insider recently released its list of the most powerful people in the tech world . Chinese innoavtors like Jack Ma , Ma Huateng and Robin Li are on the list .

  28. 马云的言论在中国版Twitter——微博(Weibo)——上引发热议,并招致一些淘宝买家的嘲笑。

    The comments received widespread play on Weibo , China 's version of Twitter , and elicited some ridicule from Taobao shoppers .

  29. 我们正在建造中国的基础设施。马云将于5月份卸任阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)CEO职位,但仍将担任董事局执行主席。

    We are building Chinas infrastructure , said Mr Ma , who will step down as chief executive of Alibaba Group in May but will stay on as its executive chairman .

  30. 阿里巴巴集团主席马云和雅虎前首席执行长巴茨(CarolBartz)之间的关系似乎充满了火药味。

    The relationship between Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma and former Yahoo Chief Executive Carol Bartz seemed fractious .