
Another bank building a strategic toehold in Hong Kong is Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.
But with banks ' overall loan books also increasing by 15 per cent , their bad debt ratios will have remained constant , said Jim Antos , a banking analyst with Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong .
On the Development of Bank in g in Hong Kong
Many expats could struggle to find new jobs in Hong Kong banking .
Real estate loan is the main profit source for Hong Kong banking industry .
Experience of HK Banking Industry in Preventing against Real Estate Credit Risk and its Enlightenments
Credit Risk Management in Hong Kong Banking
Development Background of Private Financing Service Offered by Hong Kong Banking Industry and Content Comparison
Company Management of HongKong Bank Industry
The study identifies a number of global forces and trends in financial services which will shape the development of the Hong Kong banking sector .
The environment for banking in Hong Kong has improved markedly in the past few years , thanks in part to a booming real estate market .
The Hong Kong banking sector also successfully passed its part of the Global Payments Systems Test organised by the New York Clearing House in June .
In particular , they said an influx of cash from China and political cronyism into the former British colony could undermine fairness in the territory 's banking sector .
However , in so serious a situation , Hong Kong banking industry was still sound , with no cases of bank closing door or seeking fiscal aid from the government .
In allowing renminbi held offshore to be channelled back to invest in the domestic security markets , fund managers have the possibility to tap the large and fast growing pool of offshore currency accumulating in the Hong Kong banking system .
The prospect of more Chinese currency accumulating in the Hong Kong banking system seeking investment opportunities , and a stock market priced in renminbi , suggests a possible re-rating for Hong Kong stocks – a potential development not lost on many investors .
Banking supervision in the territory is widely admired throughout the Asian region and loan underwriting standards are carefully monitored .
However , with the successful transformation of investment banking in Hong Kong comes the danger of complacency and over-reliance on China listings .
Banking activity may fluctuate between London , New York and Hong Kong , but , as the compilers of the global financial index note , the three cities operate together , each in a different time zone .
Investment banking in Hong Kong is now as complex as any other global financial centre .
In the late twenty centuries , the stock option incentive mechanism has been widely applied in the bank industries corporation governance in western countries and Hong Kong of China .
HONG KONG - China has suspended a policy that would have effectively pushed foreign technology companies out of the country 's banking sector , according to a note sent by Chinese regulators to banks .
Referring to bank consumer protection law system and related mechanisms in English , American , Australian and Hong Kong area , this part expounds the law system , regulatory mechanism , vulnerable groups ' protection and dispute settlement mechanism of the above areas .