
  • 网络Hong Kong News
  1. 韦汉娜15岁首次参加奥运会后,香港新闻媒体把她奉之为神童;

    Hong Kong 's news outlets branded Ms. Wilson a child prodigy after she took part in her first Olympics at the tender age of 15 .

  2. 塑料食品袋已成香港热点新闻

    Plastic Food Bags : Focus In Hongkong

  3. 这种古怪的风潮席卷中国,引起了香港一家新闻网站SharpDaily的注意。

    The odd trend sweeping China has caught the attention of the Sharp Daily , a Hong Kong news site .

  4. 本文中所用的双语语料是LDC的关于香港的双语新闻报道。

    The bilingual corpus in this paper is LDC parallel texts in Hong Kong newspaper .

  5. 基于限定领域的平行语料库的设计本文中所用的双语语料是LDC的关于香港的双语新闻报道。

    Bilingual Corpus Construction for Chinese - Uigur Machine Translation The bilingual corpus in this paper is LDC parallel texts in Hong Kong newspaper .

  6. 我们的酒店频道广播香港方面的新闻。

    Our hotel channel broadcasts information on Hong Kong .

  7. 您觉得香港的电视新闻报导有否将新闻的内容完全地报导?

    Do you think that news reporting in Hong Kong review information completely ?

  8. 朱顺慈,香港中文大学新闻与传播学院助理教授。

    Donna Shun-Chi CHU is Assistant Professor of School of Journalism and Communication , Chinese University of Hong Kong .

  9. 您认为,香港的电视新闻报导在发音,用词,称谓等是否绝对正确?

    Do you think that the pronunciation , words usage and salutation in news reporting in Hong Kong is correct enough ?

  10. 本文着眼于电视新闻形式研究这一大领域,从电视新闻数码配图这一小角度入手,依据对内地和香港几台新闻节目的长期关注,对配图形式的现状、实践及理论依据进行剖析。

    Focusing on the throughout area of the modality-researching of TV news , according to the long-term concern of several news program of mainland and Hong-Kong , this thesis parse the status and the experience and its theory foundation .

  11. 香港广播电台设立新闻部(在此以前,新闻简报由政府新闻处提供)。

    RHK set up its own newsroom ( prior to that , news bulletins were prepared by the Government Information Services ) .

  12. 深圳地铁三号线、香港凤凰卫视国际新闻中心、巴黎香榭丽大街等,均得到用户的一致好评。

    Such as Shenzhen No.3 Subway Line , Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV International News center , Champs Elysees in Paris . Etc , which have received unanimous praises from our clients .

  13. 这两人被逮捕的消息很快成为人们闲谈的热门话题,传言在中国大陆、香港和台湾的新闻媒体上,以及在中国互联网用户中满天飞。

    News of the arrests quickly became a hot topic of gossip , with rumors flying among mainland Chinese , Hong Kong and Taiwanese news media as well as among Chinese Internet users .

  14. 在香港,报纸和新闻的娱乐版面充斥着富有商人公开炫耀情妇和女人们用阴谋争取顶级情妇位置的故事。

    In Hong Kong , the gossip pages of newspapers and magazines are littered with stories of wealthy businessmen openly flaunting their mistresses , and the women 's machinations to vie for the top mistress spot .

  15. 周二晚间,这三位演员和王家卫一起在香港一个繁华购物中心出席了香港首映的新闻发布会。

    All three actors joined Mr. Wong at a press conference in a crowded Hong Kong shopping mall on Tuesday night for the local premiere .