
  1. 挥一挥iPhone魔杖,就有人骑电动车送上门——在“饿了么”等外卖APP点餐通常免配送费,还经常打折。

    With a wave of the iPhone wand , it arrives on a motorbike , delivered often for free and usually at a discounted price , from food delivery apps such as Ele.me ( meaning " are you hungry ? " ) .

  2. 你好,小麻雀,你饿了么?

    Hi sparrows , are you hungry ?

  3. 但是在本次不寻常的低调曝光中,该节目瞄准的最高知名度目标是网络送餐应用“饿了么”。

    But in an unusually low-key outing , the show 's highest-profile target was food delivery app Ele.me .

  4. CBInsights的数据显示,饿了么在2015年8月进行的上一轮融资中的估值为55亿美元。

    Ele.me was valued at $ 5.5bn at its last funding round in August 2015 , according to CBInsights .

  5. 但“饿了么”表示打算减小折扣力度,所以赶紧“趁热”在手机上购买巨无霸汉堡吧。

    But Ele.me says it is reducing its discounts , so get your smartphone-swiped Big Macs while they are hot .

  6. 订餐平台“饿了么”被指与多家无证经营的餐馆合作。这些餐馆大多是卫生条件差的家庭式作坊。

    The food-ordering platform Ele.me was accused of partnering with unlicensed restaurants , mostly home kitchens , with poor sanitary conditions .

  7. 摩托车手是“饿了么”公司的快递员,它是有着六年历史的新兴公司,类似于美团、百度外卖的团购,是由搜索引擎巨头百度公司推出的订餐服务。

    The motorcyclists were couriers from Ele.me , a six-year-old startup , Groupon-like Meituan.com and Baidu Waimai , a food-ordering service launched by search engine giant Baidu Inc.

  8. 他们为滴滴和易到开车,为阿里巴巴和京东(JD.com)投递包裹,也为口碑和饿了么送外卖餐。

    They drive cars for Didi Chuxing and Yidao Yongche , deliver packages for Alibaba Group and JD.com , and fetch takeout meals for Koubei and Eleme .

  9. 他解释称,“饿了么”创办于上海——他本人在那个城市长大——主要面向那些不爱在学校食堂吃的高校学生提供送餐服务。

    The company , he explains , started in his home city , Shanghai , delivering food to university students who found their dormitory fare insufficiently appetising .

  10. “饿了么”的共同创始人和首席运营官康佳表示,该平台正在扩大一天5个高峰段的食品送货服务。

    Kang Jia , co-founder and chief operating officer of ele.me , saying that the platform is expanding its food delivery services to five peak-time phases in one day .

  11. 根据易观国际的数据,饿了么目前占据中国在线外卖市场的48.8%,紧随其后的是美团,占43.1%。

    Ele.me currently accounts for 48.8 per cent of the online food delivery market in China , closely followed by Meituan with 43.1 per cent , according to Analysys International .

  12. 报告称,当记者和他人提及她想吃日料时,饿了么就会在两分钟后向她推荐日料店。

    The report said when the author talked to others that she wanted to eat Japanese cuisine , the Ele.me app recommended a Japanese restaurant to her just two minutes later .

  13. 阿里巴巴正在洽谈收购“饿了么”,对这家在线送餐初创企业的估值可能高达95亿美元。目前中国的科技巨头们都在争夺该行业的主导地位。

    Alibaba is in talks to acquire Ele.me in a deal that could value the online food delivery start-up at up to $ 9.5bn as China 's tech titans battle it out for dominance of the sector .

  14. 据知情人士透露,阿里巴巴及其支付关联公司蚂蚁金服已经拥有饿了么40%股份,但正在寻求从百度等现有投资者手中买下其余的60%股份。

    Alibaba and its payments affiliate Ant Financial already own 40 per cent of Ele.me but are looking to buy the remaining 60 per cent from existing investors including Baidu , according to people familiar with the matter .

  15. 由腾讯控股有限公司和京东公司联合投资的“饿了么”,在其官方微博上的一则声明中表示,该公司已高度重视此事,并下线相关涉事餐厅。

    Ele.me , which has investment from firms such as Tencent Holdings Ltd and JD.com Inc , said in a statement on its official microblog it took the issue seriously and had removed the offending restaurants from its platform .

  16. 美团虽然是过去五年中团购服务巨额补贴战的最后幸存者之一,但百度、腾讯等现金充裕的公司在糯米、大众点评网和外卖服务饿了么等竞争对手上投入了更多资金,令美团受到影响。

    Though Meituan is one of the last survivors of a huge subsidies war between group buying sites over the past five years , the site has suffered as cash-rich companies like Baidu and Tencent have thrown more money at group buying through investments in rivals like Nuomi , Dianping and the food delivery service Ele.me .