
fēnɡ yǔ yī
  • trench coat;raincoat;mackintosh
风雨衣 [fēng yǔ yī]
  • [outer garment] 兼作遮挡风、雨两用的外衣

  1. 有了这样强有力的推荐,(英国)陆军部在1901年正式批准了该风雨衣在陆军中的推广,随后(英国)海军部也在1906年批准该风雨衣供皇家海军陆战队使用。

    With such powerful recommendations , the War Office gave its official approval to the trench coat in1901 , with the Admiralty for the Royal Marines following suit in1906 .

  2. 从那以后,风雨衣就成了一个重要的文化象征,许多著名影星,从《卡萨布兰卡》中的汉弗莱•鲍嘉到《蒂凡尼的早餐》中的奥黛丽•赫本,都身穿巴宝莉风衣。

    Since then , the trench coat has become a significant cultural icon and has been donned by many famous movie stars , from Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca to Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany ' s.

  3. 一个穿深色短风雨衣的人在雨中行走。

    A man in a dark anorak was walking in the rain .

  4. 世纪之交发生在南非的英布战争中,很多军官都开始穿风雨衣。

    Many officers began to wear trench coats at the turn of the century , during the Boer War in South Africa .

  5. 本实用新型涉及一种改进的茄克裙式风雨衣。它是由上、下分体设计而成的。

    The utility model relates to an improved jacket skirt type wind-rain coat , which is designed as an upper part and a lower part .

  6. 比起他们曾经习惯的更为笨重的胶布雨衣,那些著名的英国军官们,如基钦纳勋爵和巴登–鲍威尔勋爵,更偏爱这种风雨衣的轻便棉质布料。

    Famous British generals , such as Lord Kitchener and Lord Baden-Powell preferred the lightweight cotton of trench coats to the heavier , rubberised Macintoshes they had been used to .

  7. 当时已是春天,空气里凉飕飕的,有点儿暴雨来袭的感觉。我的客人们身穿风雨衣,扮相好像从间谍片里走出的人物。

    It was spring , the air was cool with a hint of possible rainfall , and my visitors were wearing trench coats , looking like characters from a spy movie .

  8. 该茄克裙风雨衣不但能防风,遮雨还另有四种穿法。为用户带来了更多的便利条件。

    The jacket skirt type wind-rain coat not only has the functions of preventing wind and covering rain , but also has four wearing methods , and bringing much more facilities for the users .

  9. 浓墨重彩描写风雨衣,要义在于一、现人物个性;二、现时代特征;三、示新的审美理想。

    The importance of describing the dustcoat in such heavy degree lies in : first , revealing people 's individuality ; second , showing times feature ; third , opening up new aesthetic ideal .

  10. 它就挂在衣架上,夹在劣质的军用风雨衣和各式各样寒酸的羊毛大衣当中,然而它却像荆棘丛中的一朵玫瑰。

    It was hanging on a rack at a secondhand clothing store in Northampton Mass , crammed in with shoddy trench coats and an assortment of sad , woolen overcoats & a rose among thorns .

  11. 随着1914年壕沟战的出现,风雨衣成了一种必不可少的军事服装,上面有附带的肩章和D型圆环,可以用来系挂军事装备。

    With the advent of trench warfare in1914 , trench coats became an essential piece of the military outfit , with added epaulettes and " D " rings to enable the attachment of military equipment .

  12. 一直以来,保守的生产商都主要生产其著名的风雨衣,直到20世纪60年代,一次偶然的机会让巴宝莉开始利用它商标上的浅褐、黑色、红色和白色的格子花纹。

    The conservative manufacturer stuck primarily to its well-known raincoats until the1960s , when a fluke led Burberry to capitalize on the garments ' trademark tan , black , red , and white plaid lining .

  13. 随着英军总司令基钦纳勋爵开始穿这个牌子的风雨衣当时只被简单地称为一件“巴宝莉”这款服装在社会上的地位也就此确立。

    And as Lord Kitchener , Commander in Chief of the British Army , began fashioning the trench coat then referred to simply as a " Burberry " the place of this clothing item in society was sealed .