
fēng líng cǎo
  • bluebell;Canterburybells;lady's-night-cap
风铃草[fēng líng cǎo]
  1. 花瓶里有一束风铃草。

    There is a branch of bluebell in the vase .

  2. 姑娘坐起身来,从头发里摘出一枝风铃草。

    The girl picked herself up and pulled a bluebell out of her hair .

  3. 终年欧洲风铃草有白色或蓝色的总状花序。

    Perennial European bellflower with racemose white or blue flowers .

  4. 噢!看那些可爱的风铃草!

    Ben : Oh ! Look at those lovely bluebells !

  5. 百里香风铃草上的蜜蜂。

    The bees on the bells of thyme .

  6. 有蓝紫色至丁香紫色花的欧洲风铃草,以前用于治疗喉咙痛。

    European bellflower with blue-purple to lilac flowers formerly used to treat sore throat .

  7. 瞧这些可爱的风铃草!

    Look at those lovely bluebells !

  8. 春天在林地上施展魔法,洒满一地的风铃草。

    Spring is working it 's magic on the woodland floor , spreading a carpet of bluebells .

  9. 风铃草的组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Campanula fragilis

  10. 风铃草一种风铃草属植物,包括钓钟柳、风铃草和吊钟花。

    Any of various plants of the genus campanula , which includes the harebell , bellflower , and Canterbury bells .

  11. 女孩赶紧把它拆开,站在大厅的窗口下。窗台上种着天竺葵和白色的风铃草。

    The girl opened it quickly and held it to the parlour window where geraniums and hanging white bells grew .

  12. 这个花坛真有趣,水仙花、紫罗兰、铃兰和风铃草混种在一起。

    Here 's an interesting bed with a mixture of daffodils , violets , lilies of the valley and bluebells .

  13. 开展风铃草染色体加倍技术研究对于风铃草品种的遗传改良和种质创新具有重要的理论指导意义和巨大的实用价值。

    The studies on its Chromosome doubling will have much theoretical direction on its genetic improvement and great use value for new varieties culture .

  14. 钓钟柳一种长年生的茎细有成簇状且浓密的叶子和蓝色或白色钟状花的植物(圆叶风铃草风铃草属)

    A perennial plant ( Campanula rotundifolia ) having slender stems , dense clusters of basal leaves , and bell - shaped blue or white flowers .

  15. 山楂散发出香味,躲藏在山谷中的风铃草(野风信子)以及盛开在山头的石楠花也是香的。

    Sweet is the scent of the hawthorn , and sweet are the bluebells that hide in the valley , and the heather that blows on the hill .

  16. 这个花坛真有趣,水仙花、罗兰、兰和风铃草混种在一起。贝克兰建立了通用酚醛塑料公司,不仅制造酚醛塑料,而且颁发它的生产许可证。

    Here 's an interesting bed with a mixture of daffodils , violets , lilies of the valley and bluebells . Baekeland founded the Central Bakelite Corp , to both make and license the manufacture of Bakelite .

  17. 绿色:因其与自然和绿叶的关系,设计师常用它来充当中间色:绿色从不与大红或粉红的玫瑰、黄色太阳花、紫丁香、风铃草这些图案冲突。

    GREEN : Because of its association with nature and foliage , green in design can be used almost like a neutral colour : greens never clash with red or pink roses , yellow sunflowers , lilacs or bluebells .