
  • 网络poem in painting;poems inscribed on paintings
  1. 题画诗的作者往往从多种角度营构艺术形象,以丰富画面的审美蕴涵。

    The author of poems inscribed on paintings usually creates aesthetic images in various perspectives in order to enrich the implications .

  2. 张欣小说:苍凉的人性写意试论苏轼题画诗的写意性

    Zhang Xin 's Novels : Portrayal of Desolate Human Nature On the Artistic Conception of Su Shi 's Poems Inscribed on Paintings

  3. 第一部分是题画诗概说。

    The first part is the introduction of the Painting Poem .

  4. 杜甫题画诗的审美标准

    Aesthetic standard showed in Du pu 's poems written on paintings

  5. 潮汕题画诗艺术浅探

    On Art of Poems Inscribed on Chaozhou and Shantou Paintings

  6. 题画诗,是中国诗歌与中国绘画相互融合的艺术结晶。

    Illustrated poetry is the artistic integration of Chinese poetry and painting .

  7. 题画诗的审美价值与地位

    Aesthetic Value and Position of the Poetry Inscribed on Painting

  8. 题画诗、诗意画使诗与画形式上的融合;

    Then poetry and painting fuse each other formally .

  9. 古代山水画及其题画诗的美学审视

    The Aesthetic Observation of Ancient Chinese Landscape Paintings and the Poems Marking on Them

  10. 论元人吴澄题画诗的特点

    The features of poems for landscape paintings by Wu Cheng of the Yuan Dynasty

  11. 中国古代题画诗简论

    Simple Expositions on China ancient Poems with Drawings

  12. 题画诗在我国有着漫长的发展历史。

    There is a very long history about the painting poems in our country .

  13. 李白与华滋华斯的两首山水题画诗比较

    A Comparative Study of Li Bai 's and Wordsworth 's Two Poems on Landscape Paintings

  14. 题画诗是我国古代诗歌园地中的一枝清采。

    Inscription on a painting is a superb flower in the garden of Chinese poetry .

  15. 于兴宗“朝中知友”的唱和诗大部分都属于题画诗。

    Much of Close Friends in the Royal Court by Yu Xinzhong is poems with drawings .

  16. 在诗与画的文本间创造&谈林声的题画诗

    Creating between poem and painting & Discussion on poems written by Lin Sheng in own painting

  17. 第二,唐代出现了大量的题画诗。

    Second , lots of poems written as a foil to paintings appeared in Tang Dynasty .

  18. 杜甫题画诗的传播学观照

    A Study of Du Fu 's Poems Describing Painting Works from the Point of View of Communication

  19. 浅谈倪瓒的题画诗

    About pictorial poem by Nizan

  20. 题画诗的产生还由于诗歌与绘画有相同之处,因而二者能结合在一起。

    Because there is something in common in poem and painting , the two can combine together .

  21. 总之,本文通过一系列的考察与分析就是想明确黄庭坚题画诗是美术学研究中的重要课题,对黄庭坚题画诗的深入研究必定会让我们对北宋的文人画思潮有更为深刻的认识。

    And with this deep research , we will fully understand Literary Painting thoughts in North Song Dynasty .

  22. 题画诗,是周亮工画艺与诗歌艺术结合的展现。

    Writes the picture poem , is Zhou Lianggong draws the skill and the poetry art union development .

  23. 题画诗是中国古代文学、绘画、美学等高度发展并相互融合的产物。

    Painting Poems are products cultivated by integrating Chinese Painting and Poem which on high degree of development .

  24. 第六章从题画诗书写意象及题画诗意象两部分来论述花鸟画题画诗意象。

    The fifth chapter discussed the imagery of the painting poems from the written imagery and content imagery .

  25. 同时,在传承的基础上,宋代题画诗又呈现出一些新变之势。

    On the basis of inheriting , the poems in Song Dynasty also presented a trend for change .

  26. 在题画诗研究方面提出中西题画诗的比较论。

    Puts forward comparing Chinese and western poem in painting theory on the aspect of researching poem in painting .

  27. 题画诗是中国独有的艺术类型。

    The poem attached to painting is the art tape Poem with Painting is unique artistic type in China .

  28. 本文首先从以下五个方面论述宋代题画诗创作的社会氛围。

    For one thing , this article would dissertate the social atmosphere of the poems in the following five aspects .

  29. 题画诗的产生有着深厚的民族文化基础,因而具有鲜明的民族特色和独特的内容和形式。

    It has deep cultural foundation of nationality , therefore it has distinct national characteristics and unique content and form .

  30. 文章的第三章重点探讨了唐代题画诗对后世诗画的影响。

    The third chapter discusses the influence of poems on paintings of Tang Dynasty on poetry and painting of later ages .