
With computer generated Doppler signals , methods of frequency-analysis , zero-crossings and time-domain estimation have been compared . Finally it is pointed out that time-domain estimation method is not only easy to realize , but also as good as frequency-analysis and better than zero-crossings .
Application of Systematic Theory and Frequency Analytic Approach on Water Resource Evaluation
Application of Frequency Analysis Approach in Hydrology Forecasting Scheme
The method of frequency analysis was recommended .
Frequency analytic approach is suitable to groundwater resource evaluation with long series spring flow .
Using frequency analysis , we also calculate the designed irrigation quota and designed irrigation system .
The stormy calculation common used in building rainwater discharge design is derived from the frequency analysis .
Micro-fractures distribution in extremely lower permeable sandstone reservoirs of Yanchang Formation and its geologic significance , Ordos Basin , Northwest China ;
Frequency analysis is also presented and compared with the threshold method and energy comparing method in view of the optimum explosion time .
This paper introduces the systems theory and frequency analysis approach , which bases on the calculation of groundwater resources in Balasu Northern Shaanxi Energy .
Three different schemes were proposed , which are based on recorded water level series , design flood and reservoir inflows series generated by stochastic models respectively .
The reservoir inflowing flood series are computed by flood superposition of the main stem and branch floods and the reservoir inflowing design floods are computed by frequency analysis method .
By taking the 32 year storm surge elevation at Qingdao Dagang Tidal Station as an example , this paper discusses the probability analysis method for calculating storm design parameters in engineering .
For the feature of fault transient traveling wave , whether it is with a simple frequency analysis or with a simple time-domain analysis can not accurately describe the transient traveling wave which changes non-smoothly .
Use Frequency Character to Analyse Range Error of TTC Systems
Based on the theory of frequency characteristic analysis of autocontrol system , the method and step of tandem connection correction were studied by using the tool of univariate soling in Excel .
There are two methods of detecting the winding deformation faults in power transformer , the Low Voltage Impulse method ( LVI ) and the Frequency Response Analysis method ( FRA ) .
The low voltage impulse method , frequency response analysis method and short-circuit reactance method , which can be used to measure and diagnose the deformation of power transformer winding , are introduced in the paper .
In this paper , a new analytic option based on FHA method ( the Method of Frequency and Hierarchy Analysis ) for technical control of the ceramic factory is put forward in view of its production characteristics .
The Study of Transformer 's Winding-distortion by Frequency Response Analysis
Survey of Frequency Response Analysis on Winding Deformation of Transformers
The main way on the detection of transformer winding deformation is FRA method .
Frequency response analysis is an important method to detect the transformer winding deformation .
The methods for analysing automotive antilocked brake system include frequency domain analysis and phase-plane analysis , etc.
The two examples of the fault diagnosis of transformer winding deformation applying frequency response analysis are introduced .
Regular characters summed up from transformer winding deformation test by using frequency response analysis method are described .
At present , the data testing technology is becoming mature , but the data analysis technology has problems .
This paper introduces several auxiliary test methods to judge winding deformation , therefore the judgement can be more exactly .
It 's significant to use frequency response analysis ( FRA ) to determine whether the windings of power transformers have serious deformation after short-circuit current shock .
The accurate method to determine wall surface heat transfer coefficient , which is an important parameter in calculation for building energy consumption of HVAC system , doesn t exist by now .