
  1. 建立和完善对领导干部权力的制约、监督机制,有效地保证对领导干部的监督力度。

    Establishing and perfecting restraint and supervision upon Cadres ' power can guarantee the supervision of cadres .

  2. 国家审计对政府机构及其主要领导干部的权力实施制约与监督,是新的历史时期审计机构的新职责;

    The restriction and governing of national audit to power is a new function of audit department in new period .

  3. 领导者在某一岗位任职时间的长短受领导权力生命周期的制约,正确理解、运用领导权力生命周期理论具有重要的现实意义。

    The length of service of a leader at one post is restricted by the leadership power curve , therefore correct understanding and application of the life cycle theory of the leadership power is of practical significance .

  4. 实现审计对领导干部权力的有效监督,应不断拓展制约和监督的内容。阐述了如何进一步加强和改进审计对领导干部权力的制约和监督。

    In order to realize valid supervision to the powers the content of restriction and supervision should be developed constantly , and how to further enhance and improve it .