- Anterograde;direct motion;prograde motion

[direct motion] 从北天极观看,一颗行星或其他天体的向东或反时针方向运动(即向赤经增加方向运动)
[sunwise] 沿太阳视运行方向运动
In December , all the planets are in direct motion .
Mars 's consort , Venus , the planet of love and happiness , is in direct motion all year .
The Value of Effect Disposal and Diagnosis in 508 IVP Cases
Multi-slice Spiral Computed Tomography Applied in Inferior Vena Cava Antegrade and Retrograde Simulation Channel Puncture
Retrograde bladder CT scan and intravenous bladder CT scan compared by ROC curve
Percutaneous Antegrade Placement of Double J Stent for the Treatment of Ureteric Stenosis
Methods Thirty eight cases ( 45 eyes ) of nasolacrimal duct obstruction underwent the self-produced internal tube placement according to Song 's method .
XRA was performed in 18 patients , ultrasonography in 5 patients and DSA in 1 patient .
The location of nucleus cochlea in pigeon & a HRP anterograde tracing study
CO_2-DSA in lower extremity veins : a clinical application
The efferent connections of the sl in the rat were studied with HRP , WGA-HRP and CB-HRP methods .
Two cases received percutaneous pelvis drainage , one percutaneous antegrade endoluminal balloon dilation of stenosis , 4 antegrade endoluminal dilation and double J catheter implantation .
Methods : Three cases with aortic arch replacement operation used selective antegrade cerebral perfusion via innominate artery and left common carotid artery . Cerebral perfusion volume was 20ml / kg / min.
Objective To explore deep vein thrombosis and the application of pressures pushes the Urokinase , whichs is suitable direct radiography .
Suspension of pelvic floor in combination with Malone antegrade continence enema for neurogenic faecal incontinence
The synaptic relationship between the trigeminothalamic terminals and thalamocortical projecting neurons were studied by using anterograde degenerating combined with HRP retrograde tracing methods .
The projections from nucleus laminaris ( NL ) to the pons and midbrain in Emberiza elegans were studied with anterograde HRP tracing techniques .
DiI anterograde-tracing the corticospinal tract of the rat
Methods : 25 patients with benign ureteric stricture and obstruction were treated partly with direct dilation by percutaneous renal pelvis puncture or retrograde dilation through urethra and bis-J stents were implanted .
Objective To investigate whether partial dorsal root rhizotomy promotes the anterograde transportation of BDNF , NT-3 and GDNF in the primary sensory neuron .
The synaptic connections between the medial lemniscus and the thalamocortical projecting neurons ( TPN ) were studied by using both anterograde degenerating and HRP retrograde tracing methods .
The efferent projections from paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus ( PVN ) to ependyma of the spinal cord were traced anterogrately with HRP technique in the rat .
A study on the connection between retinal ganglion cell and arginine vasopressin neuron in suprachiasmatic nucleus ⅱ . pseudorabies virus anterograde tracing and immunofluorescence double-labelling techniques
The efferent projections of two cochlear nuclei-nucleus angularis and nucleus magnocellularis in emberiza elegans were investigated with anterograde HRP tracing methods .
Methods Tetramethyl rhodamine ( TMR ) or horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) retrograde tracing and biotinylated dextran amine ( BDA ) anterograde tracing techniques were used .
The changes of axoplasmic transport were assessed by anterograde labelling combined with horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) at 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , and 12 weeks after injury .
Antegrade stenting in retroperitoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty of the 6 to 14 , the rate of stent correctly positioned is higher . And relative to improve stenting , it has the advantage of operation time . 3 .
After WGA-HRP was injected into L4 left ventral horn , HRP positive axon terminals were observed in the left MPG and EUS , not in the detrusor .
Antidromic and orthodromic responses of hypothalamic paraventricular-anterior hypothalamic neurons ( pvh-aha ) to parafascicular nucleus ( pf ) stimulation in rats
3d post transfection it has been seen that a small number of axons from root to wireline marker of anastomotic site , 3d post transfection it can be seen anastomotic distal axonal regeneration is marked , 6w post transfection the blue color of neural stem disappeared .