
  1. 在总结北京奥运场馆项目法人招标融资结构的基础上提出在我国公共服务领域推行PPP模式的意见。

    Do economic analyze on sports venues PPP pattern and put forward three finance structures of Beijing Olympic venues projects ownership tender on which the author gives comments about adopting PPP pattern in China public service fields .

  2. 北京奥运村项目法人招标成为国际性大型体育赛事运动员村投资管理模式中最经典的成功案例。

    Project company bidding of Beijing Olympic Village has been the most successful case of athletes ' village development for international sports events .

  3. 公司全面推行了项目法人责任制、招标承包制、工程监理制。

    The Company completely carries out the project legal person responsibility system , the bidding and contracting out system and the project supervision system .

  4. 在建设管理体制方面,将实行项目法人责任制、招标投标制、建设监理制及合同管理制。

    In the field of construction management system , the project person duty system , the bidding system , the construction supervision system and the contract management system are practiced .

  5. 公路建设项目法人必须依法开展招标活动,不得接受投标人低于成本价的投标,不得随意压缩建设工期,禁止指定分包和指定采购。

    A practicing entity of highway construction shall perform its obligations according to the provisions of the contract , for which no transfer of contracting or illegal sub-contracting is allowed .

  6. 随着水利工程建设法规的健全,在工程建设管理中贯彻项目法人责任制、招标投标制、建设监理制,所有管理行为均以合同为依据。

    Along with the perfection of regulations and the implementation of project legal person responsible system , tendering and bidding system , construction supervision system in project construction and management , all management activities are regulated according to contract .

  7. 政府投资体制中项目法人招投标探析高速公路项目,采取bot项目法人招标的方式引进投资。

    The Search Analyzes of the Project Legal of Tender and Bid in the Government Investment System ; Express highway projects adopt BOT method .

  8. 建设项目四制是指建设项目管理中实施的项目法人责任制、招标投标制、建设监理制和合同管理制4项工程管理制度。

    " Four System " of Construction Project Management means the adoption of the system of the legal person responsible for projects , bidding invitation contract system , project supervision system and contract management system .