
dǐng péng
  • ceiling;ceiling joist;platfond;paper ceiling
顶棚 [dǐng péng]
  • (1) [ ceiling joist;paper ceiling]

  • (2) 天棚

  • (3) 房屋内在屋顶下面加的一层东西,起保温、美观等作用

顶棚[dǐng péng]
  1. 一行中个头最高的男子-一位名叫GeorgePhoenix的工程师-在电梯顶棚上发现了一个开口。

    The tallest man in the group , George Phoenix , an engineer , found a hatch in the ceiling of the lift .

  2. 采用标准K-ε紊流模型和增强壁面条件,对全顶棚孔板送风模式下保鲜库内三维非稳态流场进行CFD模拟分析。

    With standard K - ε model and enhanced wall profiles , a 3D CFD unsteady simulation model was made for a cool store with perforated ceiling air supply .

  3. 一个有两万个座位、带可开合顶棚的体育场正在规划中。

    A 20,000-seat arena with a retractable roof is planned .

  4. 本书重点讲的设施包括运动场所和顶棚式结构

    Parks . The facilities highlighted in text include sport complexes and fabric domes .

  5. 雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把院子顶棚打得噼噼啪啪。

    Raindrops click jingly on the vent-pipes , beating cracklingly the roof of the yard .

  6. UML在业务用例中的应用研究业务用顶棚小型摩托车

    Application of UML in Operation of a Use Case Business Scooter with a Roof

  7. 这种气氛给人的感觉并不十分真实,所以我又往前走了几个街区,来到哈瓦那旧城(OldHavana),在一家有顶棚的户外酒吧找了个安静的座位。

    The atmosphere didn 't feel exactly authentic , so I walked a couple blocks away , deeper into Old Havana , and found a quiet seat beneath a canopied outdoor bar .

  8. 就像敞篷车把顶棚收起来,不同的是Transition是把机翼折叠起来,同时把动力从螺旋桨转到车轮,使其可以在地面行驶。

    It 's like putting the top down on a convertible , only instead of folding up your roof , we 're folding up our wings and we 're transferring power from a propeller to the wheels for driving on the ground .

  9. 香港理工大学工程学教授李顺诚(LeeShun-cheng)曾呼吁在兵马俑周围建造玻璃墙,现在保护兵马俑的只有顶棚而已。[qh]

    Lee Shun-cheng , an engineering professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University , has called for glass walls to be built around the warriors , now protected only by a roof . [ qh ]

  10. 从白四方广场(PlaceduQuartierBlanc)出发,可到达中世纪的石头尖塔和沃邦大坝(BarrageVauban)。沃邦大坝是座17世纪的防御工事,看起来像一座覆有顶棚的石桥。

    Place du Quartier Blanc leads to medieval stone towers and Barrage Vauban , a 17th-century defensive fortification resembling a covered stone bridge .

  11. 而与Prius类似,Auris的顶棚很可能也装有太阳能电池,这些电池产生的能量将用于驱动车内的鼓风机。

    Also similar to the Prius , it can be had with a solar roof that powers a cabin ventilation fan .

  12. 30t电炉冶炼不锈钢除尘红泥球的实践一尘不染的顶棚,一尘不染的挡泥板。我的头有点发晕。

    Practice of Making Briquette from Stainless Steel Dust with 30 Tons Electric Arc Furnace Polished hoods and polished fenders . My head swims .

  13. 火灾烟气发展迅速,烟气从中庭顶棚(27m高)降到地面的时间只需要几分钟。

    Secondly , it just spend a few minutes for the smoke in descending from ceiling to floor because the smoke develop very quickly and in high speed .

  14. 分析了相同及不同火灾荷载条件下试验箱顶棚温度的变化规律,比较了FDS数值模拟结果与实验测量值的差别。

    By analysis the change of the temperature rules about the top of the test chamber under the same and different fire load conditions , the paper compared FDS numerical simulation results with the experimental value .

  15. Alpert模型中考虑的是顶棚射流未受限的情况,对于地铁站火灾这种情况其预测值偏低。

    It was found that in a case of subway fire with a confined ceiling jet ; the prediction of Alpert model is some lower .

  16. 阿尔勒的梵高基金会(FondationVanGoghinArles)是一个宽敞的展览空间,顶棚是彩色玻璃的艺术设计,可以让普罗旺斯的阳光折射进来。这处2014年开设的场所是一个例外。

    The Fondation Van Gogh in Arles , an expansive exhibition space topped with an artwork of colored glass refracting Proven light through its roof , which opened in 2014 , is a notable exception .

  17. FX公司是一家集研发、制造、销售和检测一体的汽车内外饰零部件供应商,主要产品涵盖汽车前后保险杠、扰流板、门内饰板、顶棚、地毯等内外饰零部件。

    FX is a company set research and development , manufacturing , sales and testing an automotive interior trim parts suppliers , main products include the automotive front and rear bumpers , spoilers , door trims , ceilings , carpets and other interior trim parts .

  18. 采用2kW连续输出YAG固体激光器,对1mm厚的客车顶棚用的钢板进行了激光拼焊工艺的系统研究,得出了最佳参数。

    In this paper , using the YAG solid-state laser with 2 kw continuous output , the systematic study of laser butt welding for 1 mm thickness bus mild steel is made , and the optimized specification is drawn .

  19. 当BMW6系敞篷汽车停泊的时候,顶棚会自动折叠起来,垂直的尾窗也可以独立收缩。

    The top folds down fully automatically when the BMW6 Series Convertible is stationary , and the vertical rear window can be retracted independently of it .

  20. 有棚野餐区;石板瓦屋顶的房子;棕榈叶搭建的顶棚。

    Roofed picnic areas ; a slate-roofed house ; palmleaf-roofed huts .

  21. 锅炉顶棚过热器管泄漏原因分析与防治

    Cause analysis and prevention of roof type superheater leakage for boilers

  22. 住宅应用顶棚电热膜辐射供暖的思考

    Thoughts on use of electric heating film in ceiling of houses

  23. 如果再下雨,这个棚子会倒塌的。门上方的顶棚使我们免遭雨淋。

    The porch over the door shelters us from the rain .

  24. 智能空间中基于顶棚投影器的机器人辅助导航

    The Ceiling Projector Based Robot Accessory Navigation System in Intelligent Space

  25. 多工况约束下客车顶棚拓扑优化

    Static topological optimization of bus roof under multiple loading cases

  26. 防止顶棚过热器爆管的试验研究

    The Experimental Research of Avoiding the Tube Rupture of the Roof Superheater

  27. 市政会已决定给露天游泳池盖上顶棚。

    The Council has decided to roof over the open-air swimming pool .

  28. 汽车的顶棚被重击压得塌陷了。

    The top of the car was caved in by the impact .

  29. 75t/h水煤浆锅炉顶棚过热器破裂分析

    Rupture Analysis of Top-Superheater of 75t / h Water-coal Boiler

  30. 广州体育馆主场馆顶棚大面积粘贴条形砖施工技术

    Strip tile sticking technology on large roof of Guangzhou Gymnasium