
yīn yuè tú shū ɡuǎn
  • music library
  1. 是的,音乐图书馆被烧了,三四把低音提琴烧毁了。真是太不幸了。

    Yes , the music library burned , three or four double basses burned . It 's just unbelievable .

  2. 设计并实现了HIT-DML数字音乐图书馆。

    HIT-DML digital music library is designed and implemented .

  3. 一家音乐图书馆的馆长张铭,是这位意大利男高音的铁杆发烧友。他组织了一堂音乐纪念会向帕瓦罗蒂告别。

    Zhang min , owner of a Music Bookstore and an ardent fan of the Italian tenor , bid his farewell to Pavarotti by organizing a commemorative concert .

  4. 根据美国自然科学基金会国际数字图书馆合作项目CMNet,中华文化网的子项目中国民族音乐数字图书馆的研究部分成果写成。

    According to the International Digital Library Project ( IDLP ) CMNet ( Chinese Memory Net US Sino Collaborative Research Toward A Global Digital Library in Chinese Studies ) funded by the United States , this paper presented part of the research result .

  5. 试论音乐学院图书馆理想形象的构建

    Discussion on the Construction of the Idealized Image of the Library of Conservatory of Music

  6. 音乐学院图书馆专业图书借阅统计分析专业(门)图书馆协会

    The Statistical Analysis on the Professional Books Lending in the Library of Conservatory of Music

  7. 音乐专业图书馆进入大学城后,将面临新的发展机遇和新的挑战。

    After moving into University City , Music Library will face new opportunity and challenge .

  8. 地方音乐院校图书馆的专业藏书特色刍见

    Special Collection in Local Music College Libraries

  9. 简述了民族音乐数字图书馆的数据结构和元数据标准。

    The database structure and metadata standard of Chinese Folk Music DL ( CFMDL ) were described .

  10. 在周三举行的新品推介会上,谷歌把大部分时间用于展示其电影、杂志和音乐的图书馆。

    Google focused much of its presentation Wednesday showing off its library of movies , magazines and music .

  11. 想象的文化记忆&论怀旧的审美心理试论音乐学院图书馆理想形象的构建

    On the Aesthetic Psychology of Nostalgia ; Discussion on the Construction of the Idealized Image of the Library of Conservatory of Music

  12. 论网络时代图书馆管理学研究的发展试论音乐学院图书馆理想形象的构建

    On the Development of the Study of Library Management ; Discussion on the Construction of the Idealized Image of the Library of Conservatory of Music

  13. 苹果电脑不愿对该计划置评,但知情高管表示,围绕这家电脑制造商愿意为音乐公司图书馆访问权而支付的价格,各方仍有争执,这已成为谈判的焦点。

    Apple would not comment on the plan , but executives familiar with the negotiations said they hinged on a dispute over the price the computer maker would be willing to pay for access to the labels ' libraries .

  14. 音乐院校数字图书馆信息资源建设

    Construction of Information Resources of Digital Libraries in Conservatories

  15. 从馆藏数字化建设、电子文献采购、特色数据库开发、人才资源建设等几方面简述音乐院校数字图书馆信息资源建设。

    This article introduces the digital construction of library holdings , acquisition of electronic documents , developing of special database , human resources , etc in construction of information resources of digital libraries in conservatories .

  16. 苹果电脑(apple)正与各主要音乐公司探讨一种全新的商业模式:让顾客免费访问整个itunes音乐图书馆,条件是为其ipod和iphone装置支付高价。

    Apple is in discussions with major music companies about a radical new business model that would give customers free access to its entire iTunes Music Library in exchange for paying a premium for its iPod and iPhone devices .