
  1. 然而导演韩延却做出保证,称本片呈现的东西不止这些。

    However , director Han Yan promises that the film has more to offer .

  2. 韩延在他的新浪官方微博上写到:“优秀的电影辣么多,肿瘤君能被选中真是幸运至极!感恩所有人!我要感谢熊顿!现在的我心如止水,埋头向前”

    There are so many excellent films , and we are really lucky that Go Away , Mr. Tumor was chosen ! I want to thank everyone ! I want to thank Xiong Dun . With my mind settled as still water , I want to proceed with hard work , " wrote Han on his official Sina Weibo account .