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  1. 但是小韦说他很开心接受这份月薪1600元的工作,可以为维护城市卫生环境尽一己之力。

    But Wei said that he is happy to work the 1 , 600 yuan monthly-job and contribute to maintaining the city ` s environment and sanitation conditions .

  2. 韦汉娜说,100米自由泳将是本届奥运会中她最有信心的项目。

    She says this would be her strongest race during the Games .

  3. 韦林说他喜欢雇佣那些在工作之外有严肃爱好的人。

    Mr. Zwelling says he prefers hiring employees who have serious hobbies outside of work .

  4. 美国大使亚历山大?韦士伯说华盛顿希望在外交谈判桌上说服平壤,但是他警告说光是谈判是不够的。

    Ambassador Alexander Vershbow says Washington is willing to keep engaging Pyongyang at the diplomatic table , but he warns that talks alone are not enough .

  5. 维多利亚大学的气候学家安德鲁•韦佛说:如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。

    When you look at what 's happened in March this year , it 's beyond unbelievable , said University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver .

  6. 假使达西的所作所为当真象韦翰说的那样坏,那么,他种种胡作非为自难掩尽天下人的耳目;

    That had his actions been what Wickham represented them , so gross a violation of every thing right could hardly have been concealed from the world ;

  7. “一些司机注意到,有些坐在专座上的女孩子在微笑,可能是想吸引某人注意,”韦克斯说。

    " some drivers noticed that , some girls laugh at the seats , maybe , they want to attract someone 's attention . " Vicks said .

  8. 然而,梵蒂冈掌管移民事务的官员红衣主教韦廖说,欧盟-土耳其计划把移民当作商品,未承认他们作为人类的尊严.

    However , the Vatican official in charge ofmigrants , Cardinal Antonio Maria Veglio , has said the EU-Turkey plan treatsmigrants as merchandise and fails to recognise their dignity as human beings .

  9. 韦兰特解释说,“防御”是一种与我们基本的生理反应相当的心理过程。

    Vaillant explains defenses as the mental equivalent of a basic biological process .

  10. 几个月以前听了韦翰先生说的那些话,我就明白了你的品格。

    Your character was unfolded in the recital which I received many months ago from Mr. Wickham .

  11. 韦林解释说,这个“完美的金字塔”毗邻墨西哥的古代玛雅和阿兹特克金字塔。

    Waring explains that this ' perfect pyramid ' is adjacent to the ancient Mayan and Aztec pyramids in Mexico .

  12. 韦纳瑞博说:“终极通勤者——一个真正喜欢通勤之便利性的人——就像我一样,会把车开进车道,然后不出车门让谈话继续进行20分钟。”

    The ultimate commuter -- a person who really likes the amenities of commuting -- is somebody like me , who will pull into the driveway and have a conversation going on for 20 minutes without getting out of the car , ' Mr. Venerable says .

  13. “不,先生,”韦竿勇敢地说,但同时他的眼睛往下看了。

    " No , sir ," said Wade bravely but his eyes fell .

  14. 你说我应该不应该把韦翰的品格说出去,让朋友们都知道?

    I want to be told whether I ought , or ought not , to make our acquaintance in general understand Wickham 's character .

  15. 韦福对警方说,他认为麦克布莱德闯进了他的家,可是韦恩县检察官金·沃斯表示,证据证明这是起谋杀。

    Wafer told the police he thought McBride was breaking in , but Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy says the evidence warns a murder charge .

  16. 再说到老达西先生生前对他的好处,信上的话也和韦翰自己所说的话完全符合,虽说她并不知道老达西先生究竟对他好到什么地步。

    and the kindness of the late Mr. Darcy , though she had not before known its extent , agreed equally well with his own words .