
  • 网络Face blowing;LABA
  1. 该技术已成功地应用在电站锅炉的受热面吹灰上,具有性能可靠、维护方便、投资少的特点,可大幅度降低排烟温度,提高锅炉热效率,具有显著的节能效果

    This technology has been successfully applied in utility boiler soot-blower , features reliable performance , easy maintenance , low initial investment , greatly reducing flue gas temperature , and increased boiler thermal efficiency , with remarkable energy saving benefit gained . Key word Acetylene Detonating characteristics Shock wave Soot-blower

  2. 锅炉对流受热面最佳吹灰周期数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of Optimum Period of Soot Blowing for Boiler Convection Surfaces

  3. 大转角压气机静子叶栅附面层吹吸数值研究

    Numerical Investigation on Boundary Layer Blow-suck of Large Turning Angle Compressor Stator Cascade

  4. 大扩张角扩压器的附面层吹除技术的研究

    An experimental investigation on wide angle diffuser using blow - in technique of boundary layer

  5. 位于烟气流程起始点和蒸汽流程终点的受热面是吹灰优化运行的重点。

    The heat delivery surfaces , at entry and exit of the flue and at the end of the steam flow path , are the key parts for soot-blowing optimization .

  6. 以上结论说明风洞侧壁附面层吹除控制对翼型试验是有效的,特别对带襟翼的高升力翼型试验效果是显著的。

    By this study , we confirm the method of blowing control of wind tunnel side wall layer , especially when the airfoil experiment is to get the bigger lift coefficient .

  7. 结果表明:采用附面层吹吸技术后叶栅的气动性能明显改善,气流转折能力增强,扩散因子增大,总压损失系数减小。

    All above shows that the aerodynamic performance of cascade meliorated obviously with the use of boundary layer blowing-sucking technique . The turning ability of airflow increased , the diffusion factor enhanced , and the total press loss-coefficient decreased .

  8. 并计算了混合物中各种组成部分一次被吹送到1.2米筛面以外的吹出临界风速。

    The critical velocity at which the various parts of materials are blown out of the sieve which is 1 . 2m in length has been calculated .

  9. 电站锅炉尾部受热面积灰层有效导热系数在锅炉换热面设计以及优化吹灰中都是一个关键参数。

    The Effective thermal conductivity of ash layer is one of the key parameters in the process of designing boiler and soot-blowing optimization .

  10. 本文应用热线测速技术,对风洞中平板湍流边界层壁面施加周期性吹吸扰动进行了试验研究。

    In this paper , the technique of constant temperature anemometry , together with double-hot-wire-sensor probe , is used to carry out experimental study on the turbulent boundary layer , which is controlled by periodic blow-suction disturbance in the low turbulent level wind channel .