
  • 网络Object Oriented Development Method;OOSD;OODM
  1. 简要介绍了面向对象开发方法和UML。

    Brief descriptions on object-oriented development method and UML were given .

  2. UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)作为面向对象开发方法中的一种重要建模工具,已经在信息系统开发中得到了广泛的应用,许多学者也将它应用到了业务流程建模工作中。

    As an important object-oriented modeling language , UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) has been used in information system modeling often .

  3. 一种基于UML的第三代面向对象开发方法

    UML-based Third-generation Object-oriented Approaches

  4. 本系统采用面向对象开发方法,利用.netFramework技术,从系统架构设计到具体实现方法对经典模型予以扩展。

    The system uses Object Oriented developing technique . It extends the classic mode of MIS with the method and technique of . Net Framework , from structure design to detail implementation .

  5. 在比较传统开发方式和面向对象开发方法的基础上,作者着重研究了在电能量计量系统开发过程中利用UML对系统进行需求确认、分析、建模、设计直到实现的整个过程。

    On the basis of comparing traditional method of development with object oriented method , the author emphatically studies the whole process which uses UML to confirm requirement , analyze , model , design , and realize energy metering system .

  6. 本论文采用基于UML的面向对象开发方法对外贸服装业务管理系统的合同模块进行重新分析,使用设计模式对设计进行优化,提出了一种具有良好可扩展性的合同模板设计方法。

    This thesis reanalyzes the contract module of the Garment Corporation MIS which adopts Object-Oriented method that based on UML , optimizes design by designing pattern and put forward a kind of designing method of contract module that with better extensibility .

  7. 有效了利用UML完整语义定义,克服了传统面向对象开发方法的缺陷,实现了建模过程从需求到分析的过渡以及功能和实现事实上的分离。

    The purpose is to make use of the whole semantics of UML effectively and to get over the limitation of traditional OO method and eventually to achieve the perfectly transition from requirement to analysis and virtual separation of function and implementation .

  8. 面向对象开发方法中可重用组件技术的研究

    Research of Reusable Component Technology Based on Object - oriented Method

  9. 财务管理信息系统的面向对象开发方法研究

    Research on the Object Oriented Development Method in Financial Management System

  10. 结构化开发方法和面向对象开发方法的研究

    Study on Structured and Object-Oriented Software Development Methods

  11. 五个著名的面向对象开发方法的评估

    An Evaluation of Five Object Oriented Development Methods

  12. 采用软件工程的面向对象开发方法,可提高软件的维护性、扩充性及开发效率。

    Therefore the software engineering object-oriented development methods can improve the development and efficiency .

  13. 而后,利用面向对象开发方法,进行系统的概要设计和详细设计。

    Then , system summary design and detailed design are completed by object-oriented development methodology .

  14. 面向对象开发方法与结构化系统开发方法的继承发展关系

    Discussion on the Successive and Developmental Relation between Object-oriented Development Methodology and Structured System Development Methodology

  15. 基于对象模板法的面向对象开发方法及其应用

    The Research of the Method & Application of Object-Oriented ( OO ) Besed on the Templets

  16. 对三种主要的管理信息系统的开发方法&结构化系统开发方法、原型化系统开发方法、面向对象开发方法进行了简单探讨。

    Three major MIS developing approaches & structural systematic developing approaches , prototype systematic developing approaches and O-O systematic developing approaches , are brief discussion .

  17. 一种基于Petri网的半形式化面向对象的开发方法

    A Petri Net Based Semi-formal Approach to Object-Oriented Development

  18. UML是面向对象软件开发方法中的重要技术。

    The Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) is very import to object oriented software development methodology .

  19. 针对电力MIS传统开发方法的不足,提出一种基于UML的面向对象的开发方法。

    Because of deficiency of traditional development method of MIS for power unit , an Object-Oriented development method based on UML is presented .

  20. ExpEvaluteSys系统采用面向对象软件开发方法。建模语言采用工业界和科技界广泛支持的UML统一建模语言。

    System adopts object oriented software development method , modeling language adopts UML unified modeling language that supported by industrial circle and the circle of science and technology extensively .

  21. 在诸如企业资源计划(ERP)大型复杂管理信息软件系统的开发过程中,目前越来越多地采用面向对象的开发方法和构件化的实现技术。

    In the developing process of the large complicated management information software such as Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ), more and more oriented object develop methods technology of component are adopted .

  22. MaSE(MultiagentSystemEngineering)方法以主体理论和技术为基础,充分借鉴面向对象软件开发方法的思想,为开发智能分布式系统提供了较大通用性。

    MaSE ( Multiagent System Engineering ) provides a universal methodology for this , as it is based on agent theory and technology and sufficiently uses object oriented thought for reference .

  23. 设计以ARC/INFOR为平台,DELPHI为开发工具,采用面向对象的开发方法,采用CLIENT/SEVER为体系结构对系统进行开发和设计。

    The system takes the Arc / Info as the development plat and takes Delphi as development tool by the way of object oriented , taking Client / Sever as construction .

  24. 运用面向对象的开发方法学,通过编程软件Delphi和工程软件CATIA研制了碟簧集成智能化设计系统软件,并在相关碟簧生产企业进行了实际应用。

    Using the object-oriented developing methodology , the integrated and intelligent design system of disc spring is developed through the programming language Delphi and CATIA V5.And it has been applied to some disc spring enterprises .

  25. 以OSG(OpenSceneGraph)为基础,采用面向对象的开发方法实现了一个虚拟仿真引擎的原型系统KD-VSE,并介绍了KD-VSE的工作流程、类的结构以及其中用到的若干关键技术。

    Therefore , a virtual simulation engine named KD-VSE based on OSG ( OpenSceneGraph ) is developed . The working progress , class architecture and some key techniques of KD-VSE are introduced .

  26. 而面向对象的开发方法是当今的主流,但是同时不得不使用关系型数据库,所以在企业级应用开发的环境中,对象、关系的映射(ORM)是一种耗时的工作。

    The object oriented development approach is very popular in current , but it has to use the relevant database at the same time , so in the environment of enterprise layer application and development , the target , relation mapping ( ORM ) is a kind of time-consuming job .

  27. 基于知识的面向对象软件开发方法研究

    KOSD : A Knowledge based Object Oriented Software Developing Method

  28. 介绍了面向对象程序开发方法在该系统中的应用。

    The application of object orient method is illustrated .

  29. 面向对象软件开发方法的比较研究

    Comparisons of OOM with Conventional Software Development Method

  30. 基于数据分解的并发面向对象程序开发方法

    A Data-Decomposition-Based Development Method of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programs