
  • 网络nonlinear damping
  1. 随后利用MSCMarc软件对优化前后这种结构的非线性阻尼性能进行了有限元分析。

    This structure is to predict the nonlinear damping property before and after structural optimization by using FEM in Msc marc software .

  2. 在非线性阻尼项的影响强于力源项时,引进了修改的能量函数并结合连续性原理,证明了局部mild解可延拓为整体解。

    When the effect of the nonlinear damping term is stronger than the source term , By using modified energy function , according to continuation principle , the mild solution can be retarded the global solution .

  3. 高耸结构TMD接触非线性阻尼振动控制研究

    Vibration control of high-rising buildings with TMD considering contact non-linear damping effect

  4. 该项研究有助于非线性阻尼理论和FRP约束混凝土结构抗震分析理论的发展及应用。

    This study is helpful to the development and application of non-linear damping theory and anti-seismic analysis theory of FRP-confined RC structures .

  5. 基于所建的非线性阻尼模型,建立非线性阻尼系统的动力响应分析方法,对FRP约束无损伤及有损伤钢筋混凝土柱的地震响应进行分析。

    Finally , based on the proposed damping models , an improved method for dynamic analysis considering non-linear damping is developed to analyze the seismic response of FRP-confined RC and damaged RC columns .

  6. 然后,利用自适应非线性阻尼项来抑制系统的非线性动态不确定性和未知有界扰动,应用Lyapunov稳定性理论构造出控制器和自适应参数的表达式。

    Then , a self-adaptive nonlinear damping item is used to counteract the nonlinear uncertainties and unknown bounded disturbances . Lyapunov stability theory is to form the controller and the self-adaptive law of the controller parameter .

  7. 考虑了一类具有连续变量的二阶非线性阻尼差分方程,利用积分变换和广义Riccati变换,给出了此类方程的振动准则。

    A kind of second order nonlinear damped difference equation with continuous variable is studied . By using the iterated integral and generalized Riccati transformations , some oscillatory criteria for the equation are given .

  8. 将结构抽象为由线性和非线性阻尼、刚度连接的集中质量系统,用四阶Runge-Kutta法求解多自由度非线性系统的振动响应和振动响应对非线性参数的灵敏度。

    The structure is modeled as equivalent lumped masses and connected by stiffness and damping elements . 4 th Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the responses of the system and response sensitivity respect to nonlinear parameters .

  9. 证明了受白噪声激励的非线性阻尼二阶动力系统的FPK方程在一般情况下没有可分离变量形式的稳态解。

    It is proved that the FPK equation , associated with the nonlinearly damped 2nd-order dynamic system excited by white noise , generally has no stable solution in the form of separable variables .

  10. 对于含非线性阻尼和源项的Klein-Gordon方程,先有局部存在定理和连续性原理。

    For the Klein-Gordon equation with nonlinear damping and source terms , Our purpose is , first , to obtain the local existence theorem and the continuation principle with p ≤ 2 (( n-1 ) / ( n-2 )) .

  11. 进而指出这是一种非线性阻尼振动。

    Then concluding that it is a nonlinear of damp vibration .

  12. 柔性联轴器非线性阻尼对扭转减振的影响

    Influence of nonlinear damping of flexible coupling on torsional vibration reduction

  13. 非线性阻尼作用时Ⅲ型断裂动力学的解析解

    Analytical solution for mode ⅲ dynamic rupture subjected to nonlinear damping

  14. 建筑结构非线性阻尼及其振动反应研究

    Study on Non-linear Damping and Characteristics of Dynamic Responses for Buildings

  15. 二阶非线性阻尼脉冲时滞微分方程解的振动准则

    Oscillation Criteria of Second-Order Nonlinear Impulsive Delay Differential Equations with Damping

  16. 结构动力分析中的非线性阻尼问题

    The problem of non linear damping in structural dynamic analysis

  17. 非线性阻尼波方程的全局吸引子的研究

    Study on Problems of Global Attractors for Wave Equations with Nonlinear Damping

  18. 减振器非线性阻尼对车身振动的影响分析

    Influence of Nonlinear Damping of Shock Absorber on Vibration of Automobile Body

  19. 带非线性阻尼项的波方程的周期解

    The periodic solutions for wave equations with nonlinear damping terms

  20. 分解法求解非线性阻尼振动

    Solving the Non-linear Equation for the Damped Vibration by the Resolution Method

  21. 关于一类非线性阻尼模型控制问题的一个注记

    A Note on Control of Non - linearly Damped Model

  22. 一类非线性阻尼振动的数值分析

    The Numerical Analyses for Nonlinear Damped Oscillation of a Type

  23. 在此基础上,本文提出了钢筋混凝土结构非线性阻尼比的统一表达式。

    Finally , damping ratio formula of buildings is proposed .

  24. 多源激励下浮筏隔振系统非线性阻尼灵敏度分析气胀式救生筏识别系统

    Nonlinear damping sensitivity analysis of floating raft vibration-isolating system under multi-source excitation

  25. 制造中具有非线性阻尼的自振系统的周期响应

    Periodic responses for self-excited vibration systems with non-linear damping

  26. 液体晃动非线性阻尼的描述方法

    Representative Methods of the Nonlinear Damping of Liquid Sloshing

  27. 带非线性阻尼的粘弹方程解的整体存在性和一致衰减性

    Global Existence and Uniform Decay of Solutions to Viscoelastic Equations with Nonlinear Damping

  28. 汽车悬架系统非线性阻尼的优化设计

    Optimal Design of Non-linear Damping for Automobile Suspending System

  29. 非线性阻尼结构系统在随机振动条件下可靠度的估算

    Reliability Estimation of Nonlinearly Damped Structures Under Randon Vibrations

  30. 具有非线性阻尼的铁道机车车辆的横向随机振动

    Random Vibrations of Nonlinearly Damped Locomotive and Rolling Stock