
  • 网络Non-current liability;non current liabilities
  1. 我们计算出财务杠杆LEV,它是非流动负债总额与总资产的比值。

    We calculate financial leverage , LEV , as the ratio of total non-current liabilities to total assets .

  2. 考虑到我国创业板的整体情况,非流动负债比例过小的融资结构缺陷,提高长期负债比例和降低流动负债比例,可以提高财务绩效。

    Considering the whole situation of the gem in our country , financing structure defect of non-current liabilities ratio is too small , increase the long-term debt ratio and reduce the proportion of current liabilities , can improve financial performance .

  3. 想象不久的一天,借款猛击上去攻打非流动负债限制14.3万亿美元的天花板和国会选举失败来提高它。

    Imagine that one day soon , the borrowing slams up against the current debt limit ceiling of $ 14.3 trillion and Congress fails to raise it .

  4. 对于非流动资产和负债,在一个较长的期间也反映出其可靠性本质。

    For non-current assets and liability , they will show the nature between reliability and earning persistent in a long time .