
  • 网络Inelastic;inelasticity
  1. 在这个桌上,可以演示二维的弹性和非弹性碰撞。

    Two-dimensional collisions , both elastic and inelastic , may be demonstrated on this table .

  2. π~--~(12)C非弹性散射与π介子放射疗法

    π ̄ &  ̄( 12 ) c inelastic scattering and negative π - meson therapy

  3. p-A作用的非弹性度及对靶核质量的依赖

    Inelasticity of p-A Interaction and Its Dependence on the Mass of Target

  4. α粒子结构下的π-~(12)C非弹性散射

    Pion - ~ ( 12 ) c inelastic scattering in the α - particle model

  5. 深度非弹性散射中小x区物理新进展

    New Progresses in Deep Inelastic Scattering in Small x Region

  6. π~±和K~±介子在Ca原子核上的非弹性散射

    Inelastic scattering of pion and Kaon mesons on Ca nucleus

  7. N湮没势对反质子-核非弹性散射和弹性散射进行研究是少有的研究方法。

    It is rare that we study antiproton-nuclear inelastic scattering and elastic scattering by using phenomenological annihilation potentials .

  8. ~(19)F+~(27)Al深部非弹性碰撞产物的角分布

    Angular Distribution of Products in Deep Inelastic Collision of ~ ( 19 ) F + ~ ( 27 ) Al

  9. 纳米结构WC/Co涂层磨削时材料去除机理主要是以塑性变形为主的非弹性变形方式,脆性去除方式极少。

    The material removal mechanisms is mostly inelastic deformation , which is primarily plastic deformation , brittle removal is little .

  10. 在电子非弹性散射的辐射修正中常用解开(unfolding)或折叠(folding)的方法。

    The unfolding and folding methods are generally used in the radiative corrections to the electron inelastic seatterings .

  11. 讨论了不同预应力下热冲击速率T对A3钢微观组织变化特性的影响推导出了快速加热下的非弹性应变方程。

    An inelastic strain equation at various heating rates and under some pre-stress was derived .

  12. 金属氢化物(AlH3)n的热中子非弹性散射谱

    Inelastic scattering spectra of thermal neutrons by aluminium hydride ( alh_3 ) _n

  13. 本文主要讨论了eA深度非弹性散射中喷注的能量损失问题。

    In this thesis , I would like to explore the parton energy loss in eA deeply inelastic scattering ( DIS ) .

  14. 确定了与实验松弛时间相符的非弹性碰撞数ZV,ZR,得到了有转动、振动激发耦合的离解反应的满意的直接模拟。

    The inelastic collision numbers are determined in accordance with the relaxation times obtained experimentally , a satisfactory simulation for the dissociation coupled with rotational and vibrational excitation is realized .

  15. 因此又出现了非弹性体增韧方法,这种方法不仅可以增韧PVC,并且可以使体系其它力学性能保持不变或是提高。

    Yet , this problem can be solved by the non-elastomer toughening , which can not only toughening the PVC system , but also remain or promote other properties .

  16. 非弹性体增韧拓展了PS增韧改性研究的新领域,纳米粒子增韧开辟了PS增韧改性研究的新方向。

    It was pointed out that toughening by non-elastomer materials broadened the research field and toughening by nano-particle created a new direction for study on modification of PS.

  17. 根据地震波在非弹性介质中的传播规律,本文提出了一种在深度域地震剖面进行反Q滤波的新方法。

    Based on the laws of inelastic media , this paper gives a forward Q method for compensating attenuation and frequency dispersion used in the seismic profile of depth domain .

  18. e-p深度非弹性散射中粲夸克态的效应

    The effects of the charm state in e-p deep inelastic scattering

  19. 本文用Glauber理论计算和分析了能量为260和280MeV的π~-~(12)C弹性和非弹性散射微分截面。

    Using Glauber theory , the π - ~ ( 12 ) C elastic and inelastic scattering differential cross-sections at the energies 260 and 280 MeV are calculated and analyzed .

  20. 研究了开环控制下的非弹性业务的资源分配博弈,分析了基于FCFS的接纳控制所存在的问题。

    Studies of the resource allocation game with inelastic users in open-loop control are also given .

  21. 1996年,Turin博士提出一个基于非弹性电子隧道光谱概念(IEZs)的一个生物学光谱理论。

    In 1996 , Dr. Turin proposed a transduc-tion mechanism involving a biological spectroscopy : inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy ( IETs ) .

  22. e-A深度非弹性散射中高纽度过程对喷注淬火效应的影响

    Effects of High Twist Processes on Jet Quenching in e-A Deeply Inelastic Scattering

  23. 计算表明,与有限元方法相比,利用GMC方法和统一模型计算单向纤维加强复合材料的总体非弹性响应简单快捷。

    The calculations show that the GMC method and the unified theory is suitable to obtain the overall inelastic response of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composite material .

  24. 实际VSP资料中影响地震波能量的因素不仅包括介质的非弹性吸收,还包括球面扩散、非零井源距、干涉效应、反射与透射作用等。

    The influence factors of seismic wave energy in practical VSP data include not only nonelastic medium absorption , but also geometric spreading , nonzero-offset , interference , reflection and refraction .

  25. 利用相对论性电子与光子非弹性碰撞模型,研究了激光等离子体中发生多光子非线性Compton散射时,由于尾波场的作用而引起的散射光子频率的变化。

    The change of the photon frequency of the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering in the laser-plasma is derived by using the inelastic collision model of relativity electron and photon .

  26. 通过轻子与原子核的深度非弹性散射、核Drell-Yan过程,可以了解原子核中的夸克&部分子分布的信息。

    By deep inelastic scattering of leptons on nucleus and nuclear Drell-Yan processes one can learn the parton densities in nucleus .

  27. 视PnQ(散射和固有非弹性的综合效应)随频率而增加,在15Hz处接近2000。

    And b ) the apparent PnQ ( the net combined effects due to scattering and intrinsic anelasticity ) increases very rapidly with frequency , approaching 2000 at 15 Hz .

  28. 粲夸克态对e-p深度非弹性散射中纵横虚光子吸收截面比的影响

    The Influence of the Charm State on the Ratio of the Longitudinal and Transverse Section of virtual photon in e-p Deep Inelastic Scattering

  29. 密封,D-T脉冲式中子发生器是利用中子非弹性散射于体内碳与氧的活体量测上。

    A sealed , D-T , pulsed neutron generator is used for the in vivo measurement of body carbon and oxygen by neutron inelastic scattering .

  30. 国产铝合金应力-应变关系在应力较大的非弹性阶段不符合Osgood方程。

    The σ - ε relationships of testing aluminum alloys are not accordant to Osgood equation when stresses are higher and inelastic deformations occur .