- nonequilibrium state

Probability Distribution and Entropy of Nonequilibrium State for  ̄( 208 ) Pb Nuclei Under Different Excited Energies
It is in such a nonequilibrium state that lives last and develop .
The electronic transport properties of different junctions have been systematically investigated by using non-equilibrium Green function .
CO_2 Separation by Supported Molten Salt Membrane under Electric Field ── Application of Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics
Non_equilibrium thermodynamic analysis of the concentration distribution of rare earth oxide at alumina transparent ceramic crystal boundary
Modelling on the dynamic populations of atoms and excimers in an Ar-Hg nonequilibrium plasma
Non-equilibrium microstructure of fused al_2o_3-zro_2 system materials
Non-equilibrium Phase Transition of Two-dimensional Fully-frustrated Josephson Junction Arrays
The relaxation behavior from non-equilibrium state is discussed that stretched exponential form keeps constance .
Based on the OS model , the Harris singularity of the Josephson current of a junction which is driven into non-equilibrium , is investigated .
Studies on the Novel WO_3 / Fe_2O_3 Catalyst Synthesized by a High Power CO_2 Laser under Nonequilibrium Condition ──ⅱ . Catalytic Activity of the WO_2 / Fe_2O_3 Catalyst for Metathesis of Olefine
A fast and accurate method of numerical simulation of nonequilibrium steam condensation flow is developed based on analytical derivation of parameters of Wilson point and transition function method .
Flory 's gelation theory and the nonequilibrium thermodynamic fluctuation theory have been used to predict the gelation time tg and the cure behavior after tgt of epoxy-triethanolamine system at various temperatures .
The non-equilibrium phase transitions of vortex matter in type II superconductor are studied within three-dimension anisotropic XY model by resistively-shunted junction ( RSJ ) dynamics .
Dielectric barrier discharge ( DBD ), is a typical non-equilibrium AC gas discharge , and is an effective means of producing non-equilibrium plasma in atmospheric pressure , which has become one of the hot plasma of subjects .
The non-equilibrium phase transition , Ising-like phase transition of two-dimensional fully-frustrated Josephson junction arrays driven by external current was studied in the framework of the short-time dynamic scaling method .
This article provides a brief review of physical models of nanoscale MOS devices and gives device modeling examples based on self-consistent solutions to Poisson 's equation , non-equilibrium Green 's functions and the Schr ? dinger equation .
This paper introduces the main steps of the emulation of low-temperature interface thermal resistance between Al and Al with the method of non-equilibrium molecular dynamics , makes comparison of and analysis on the emulating results and experimental results , and points out the reasons of the errors .
However , under certain conditions when the relevant time scale is extremely small such as in the cases of thermo-explosion , nuclear fusion , very fast chemical reaction and the interaction of high power laser with materials , some modifications should be made for the Fourier 's law .
Up to now , the principle of minimum entropy production has been demonstrated only using the Onsager linear phenomenological relation in the nonequilibrium state thermodynamics .
Based on the theory of electro-chemistry , membrane separation and mass transfer , non-equilibrium thermodynamics was used to establish the mathematical model for CO2 removal using a molten salt membrane ( 43.5 % Li2CO3 + 25 % K2CO3 + 31.5 % Na2CO3 ) ( mol. % ) .
To counter its characteristics of far from equilibrium , the metallurgical reaction occurred at slag / metal interface for SiO_2 in molten slag with deposited metal had been modeled in view of coupling non-equilibrium static thermodynamics with interacting principle of liquid-liquid phases .
The present paper gives a brief introduction to the generalized canonical statistical operator used by Robertson and suitable for nonlinear range far away from the equilibrium state and proposes an entropy expression of non-equilibrium as well .
Equilibrium and non equilibrium phase diagrams of UHMWPE mineral oil binary system are measured and discussed in the paper . Scanning electronic microscope ( SEM ) is used to determine the formation mechanism of the different microstructures and to research the effect of quenching speed on the phase separation .
Dongyang Zhang ( Engineering Thermophysics ) Directed by Hongde JiangA fast and accurate numerical method for non-equilibrium wet steam flow ( FAWS ) is developed in this thesis .
The fundamental theoretic methods dealing with the QGP are the finite-temperature field theory , the kinetic theory and phenomenological analysis . The kinetic theory is a statistical theory that can deal with both the thermal equilibrium and the non-equilibrium phenomena .
Current-Voltage Characteristics in three-quantum-well superlattice units are studied by numerically solving the nonequilibrium Wigner Function Equation . Parameter changes of three-quantum-well obviously affect its Current-Voltage Characteristics . The numerical results provide theoretic attestation for farther experimental research to a certain extent and useful reference informations for design and manufacture .
Application of non-equilibrium statistical physics in analysis of cause of earthquake
Regressive Properties of Generalized Forces and Stability of Linear Non-equilibrium State
They are applicable to non-equilibrium as well as equilibrium systems .