
  • 网络non-fermenting bacteria;nonfermenters;nonferments bacteria
  1. 非发酵菌临床感染分析

    An analysis of clinical infection of non-fermenting bacteria

  2. 鲍曼不动杆菌在临床分离的非发酵菌中仅次于铜绿假单胞菌,并且2010年的检出率较2009年有所上升。

    In clinical isolated Non-fermenting bacteria , Acinetobacter baumannii is just after Pseudomonas aeruginosa , and the detection rate of 2010 had a marked increase over 2009 .

  3. 连续5a临床常见非发酵菌分离率变化及耐药性分析

    Analysis of the Changing Isolation Rates and Drug Resistance of Clinical Common Non-Fermentative Bacilli for Five Successive Years

  4. 目的探讨我院ICU内危重患者非发酵菌致肺部感染的临床特征和对常用抗生素的敏感性。

    Objective To study the clinical characteristics of the hospital acquired lung infection caused by non-fermentive bacteria for serious-ill patients of intensive care unit in our hospital and their antimicrobial susceptibility .

  5. 目的为了解临床分离的非发酵菌(NFB)产金属β-内酰胺酶(MBL)阳性率。

    Objective To study the prevalence of metallo - β - lactamase ( MBL ) produced from non-fermenting bacilli ( NFB ) separated from clinical specimens .

  6. 目的:调查主要肠杆菌科细菌和非发酵菌产AmpC酶和ESBLs的状况及对常用抗菌药物的耐药性,指导临床合理用药。

    AIM : To study the drug resistance to extended spectrum β Lactamase ( ESBLs ) and AmpC β Lactamase ( AmpC ) produced from both the main enterobacteriaceae bacteria and non ferment bacteria .

  7. 结论:主要肠杆菌科细菌的产酶率高于非发酵菌,产AmpC酶的菌株已近20.0%,应引起临床的高度重视;

    CONCLUSION : The zymogenic rates of main enterobacteriaceae bacteria are higher than those of non ferment bacteria . Nearly 20.0 % of bacteria produced AmpC , to which intensive attention should be paid clinically .

  8. 非发酵菌临床分离株的分布特点及耐药性变迁分析

    Analyses of antibiotic resistant patterns and clinical distribution of non-fermentative isolates

  9. 非发酵菌致泌尿系感染的菌种分布及耐药性分析

    Distribution and Drug Resistance of Non-fermentation Bacteria from Urinary Tract Infection

  10. 医院非发酵菌的感染及体外耐药监测

    Infection and External Body Drug Resistance Detecting of Non-fermentative Bacteria

  11. 结果重症监护病房医院感染非发酵菌检出率为45.0%。

    Results The isolation rate of non-fermenters in ICU was 45.0 % .

  12. 下呼吸道感染中非发酵菌耐药性分析

    Antimicrobial resistance of non-fermentative bacilli from patients with lower respiratory tract infections

  13. 老年肺心病患者肺部非发酵菌感染与耐药性分析

    Drug resistance and pulmonary non-fermentive bacterium infection in senile pulmonary heart disease patients

  14. 三种常见非发酵菌耐药性分析

    Study on drug resistance in three cmmon non-fermentation bacteria

  15. 非发酵菌致危重患者获得性肺部感染118例分析

    Analysis of 118 cases of hospital acquired lung infection caused by non-fermentive bacteria

  16. 下呼吸道分离的多药耐药非发酵菌临床分析

    Multidrug Resistant Non-fermentating Bacteria Isolated in Lower Respiratory Tract : A Clinical Analysis

  17. 结果非发酵菌占临床细菌总分离率的312%。

    Results The infection rate of non-fermenters was 31.2 % in total clinical isolates .

  18. 非发酵菌的分布及耐药性分析

    Distribution and antimicrobial resistance of non-fermentative bacilli

  19. 重症监护病房患者下呼吸道标本非发酵菌构成及耐药性分析

    Analysis of Non-fermentative bacterial and drug-resistance regarding lower respiratory tract in patients in intensive care unit

  20. 院内下呼吸道非发酵菌感染的调查及多重耐药非发酵菌下呼吸道感染危险因素分析

    Nosocomial Non-fermented Bacterial Infection in Lower Respiratory Tract and Risk Factors for Multi-drug Resistant Bacterial Infection

  21. 亚胺培南-EDTA纸片增效法检测非发酵菌的金属β-内酰胺酶

    Detection of metallo - β - lactamase produced from non-fermenting bacilli by using imipenem-EDTA disk method

  22. 广州低保老年患者非发酵菌感染的分布与耐药趋势

    Distribution and antibiotic resistance trend of non-fermenting bacilli infection in the old subsistence folk in Guangzhou city

  23. 住院儿童感染葡萄球菌的耐药性分析医院非发酵菌的感染及体外耐药监测

    Drug-resistance of Staphylococcus strains isolated from hospitalized child Infection and External Body Drug Resistance Detecting of Non-fermentative Bacteria

  24. 病原菌分布以铜绿假单胞菌(25。84%)和嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌(10。27%)等非发酵菌多见。

    The most common bacteria were nonfermenters , especially P.aeruginosa and S.maltophilia ( 25.84 % and10.27 % respectively ) .

  25. 在各种细菌的构成比中,肠杆菌科和非发酵菌二者达到57.79%;

    Enterobacteriaceae and non-fermentive bacteria together made up 57 . 79 % in the constituent ratio of all bacteria .

  26. 目的探讨重症监护病房肠杆菌科细菌和非发酵菌的菌种分布及耐药谱。

    Objective To investigate the distribution and the antimicrobial resistance of non-fermentative bacteria and enterobacteriaceae bacteria in our ICU .

  27. 目的:分析医院感染常见非发酵菌鲍曼不动杆菌的分布特征及耐药情况。

    Objective To analyze the characteristics of clinical distribution and the resistance of common non-fermentative Acinetobacter baumannii in hospital infection .

  28. 鲍曼不动杆菌是引起医院感染的重要病原菌,广泛分布于自然界、医院环境和人体皮肤表面,其分离率在非发酵菌中仅次于绿脓假单孢菌。

    Acinetobacter baumannii is an important opportunistic pathogen with a wide distribution in the nature , the hospital environment and human skin .

  29. 目的:探讨非发酵菌所致下呼吸道感染的临床特点及细菌耐药性。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical manifestations and antimicrobial resistance of non-fermentative gram-negative bacilli isolated from patients with lower respiratory tract infections .

  30. 目的探讨临床分离的非发酵菌菌株的分布及耐药情况,指导合理使用抗生素。

    Objective To analyze the distribution and resistance of non-fermentative Gram negative bacilli isolated from patients and explore how to administrate appropriate antibiotics .