
fēi dǎo tǐ
  • non-conductor;idioelectric
非导体[fēi dǎo tǐ]
  1. 因为橡皮是非导体,它被用作绝缘材料。

    Since rubber is a non-conductor of electricity , it is used for insulation .

  2. 制造这台设备所用的材料是热的非导体。

    The material of which the apparatus is made is a non-conductor of heat .

  3. 在不连续Pd粒子覆盖的非导体表面电沉积铜的研究

    Early Stage Electrodeposition of Copper on Nonconductor ABS Covered with Noncontinuous Pd Particulates and Morphology of the Copper Coating

  4. 本文把海水作为非导体,用MM计算了海面的电磁散射,并将其计算结果与近似方法作了比较。

    Moment method ( MM ) is employed to calculate EM scattering from rough seasurfaces as nonconductors . We also give a new correction factor to simplify the calculation of the Unstatistic .

  5. 比较了两种Grimm型激发源的结构,并通过激发导体和非导体的工作曲线建立结果和强度精密度结果,说明了激发源设计结构的重要性。

    The structure of Grimm ⅰ - type source is compared with the other one . The importance of structure designs of source is indicated through many experiments .

  6. 接触非导体材料来减少静电累积,包括木制品或水泥。

    Touch nonconductive material to reduce static buildup , including wood or concrete .

  7. 旋转非导体带电球面磁场的全空间解析解新探

    A new method of full-space analysis of the magnetic field from charged rotary non-conductive sphere

  8. 这一能隙随压力增大而增大的结果,与非导体在高压下金属化的特征相反。

    The results are conflict to the rule of metallization of nonconductors at high pressure .

  9. 橡皮和玻璃是非导体。

    Non-conductors are rubber and glass .

  10. 3.接触非导体材料

    Step 3 Touch nonconductive material

  11. 非导体表面金属化

    Surface Metallization of Nonconductors

  12. 它可以测量导体或非导体表面纳米级精确度的粗糙度。

    The equipment may measure conducting or nonconducting surface roughness of a body with accuracy of nanometer level .

  13. 防止方法有排流法和隔绝法,而最彻底的办法是在易发生电腐蚀的部位采用非导体。

    Prevention includes current drainage and segregation , while the most thoroughgoing method is using nonconductors in places where electric corrosion is easy to occur .

  14. 其它有:高压静电选矿、塑料与沙子的分离、茶叶与茶杆的分离等任何导体与非导体的分离设备。

    Other have : High-pressured staticelectricity dressing , plastic and sand separation , tea and tea poleseparation and so on any conductor and non-conductor splitter .

  15. 导电浆料是一种功能性特种浆料,可以印刷在非导体承印物上,干燥固化后具有导电性和机械性能。

    The conductive paste is a functional paste which enables non-conductive substrates gain conductivity and mechanical properties after the conductive paste printed on non-conductive substrates is dried and solidified .

  16. 非理想导体箔条单元RCS

    The RCS of Imperfectly Conducting Chaff Elements

  17. 基于Richardson外推(Extrapolation)技术和有限元法(FEM)相结合快速计算均匀平面波入射到一非理想导体上的散射场。

    The Richardson extrapolation technique in conjunction with the finite element method ( FEM ) is applied to calculate the scattered field of two-dimensional imperfectly conducting geometries illuminated by a plane waves .

  18. 本文对非金属导体流态化电极进行研究,并应用于处理含铜废水,可将铜离子浓度降到1ppm以下。

    This paper studies the fluidized bed electrode made from non-metal conductor which has been applied to treating the waste water containing copper ion . This method can make the copper ion density lower to 1 ppm .

  19. 非闭合导体回路中是否有感应电流

    Is There any Induction Electricity in a Nonclosed Conductor Return Circuit

  20. 非金属导体流态化电极的研究及应用

    Studies of Fluidized Bed Electrode Made from Non-Metal Conductor and Its Applications

  21. 本文应用直线法分析非理想导体所构成的薄感性膜片,其等效电抗和等效电阻能同时计算获得。

    In this paper , the diaphragms and strips with finite conductivity are studied by the method of lines .

  22. 用等效磁流子法分析带有狭隙的非理想导体板的屏蔽效能

    Analysis on Shielding Effectiveness of a Thick Imperfectly Conducting Plane with a Slit Using the Equivalent Magnetic Current Method

  23. 在此基础上,建立了在良导体和非良导体地面的情况下,外电磁场对传输线的耦合模型。

    Based on previous theory , coupling model of field-to-single conductor transmission line was constructed , including perfect and imperfect ground .

  24. 对非理想导体腔壁柱形波导的微扰法作了重新表述。

    The perturbative method for calculating the effect of imperfectly conducting walls on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in cylindrical waveguides is reformulated .

  25. 利用等效磁流子法和波在非理想导体壁上的边界条件对带有狭隙的无限大非理想导体板建模,并用矩量法计算了频率及电导率对其总体屏蔽效能的影响。

    Both the equivalent magnetic current method and the boundary condition while wave is propagating along a wall of an imperfect conductor is developed for modeling an infinite imperfectly conducting plane with a slit .

  26. 本文运用欧姆定律的微分形式及高斯定理,讨论了稳恒电流情况下非均匀导体内部的电荷分布规律,并应用此规律分析一些实际问题。

    Through using the differential form of Ohm ′ s law and the Gaussian ′ theorem , The study discussed the law about the electric charge field of nonuniform closed circuit in conductor on condition that it was steady current , and analyzed some practical question .

  27. 非平衡超导体在Tc附近的电阻态

    The resistive state of non - equilibrium superconductor near t_c

  28. 非晶态超导体转变温度Tc的经验公式

    An empirical expression of transition temperature t_c for amorphous superconductors

  29. 非晶态超导体的Tc,2△0/kBTc和声子谱参量

    T_c , 2 δ _0 / k_bt_c and the parameters of the phonon spectrum for amorphous superconductors

  30. 非晶态Cu~+导体分相和晶化行为的XRD和SEM研究

    XRD and SEM study on the phase separation and crystallization behavior for an amorphous cu ~ + conductor