
jìnɡ zhǐ qī
  • Quiescent period;quiescent stage;resting phase;resting period
  1. 结果动脉吻合术后弹性纤维的重构分为:静止期、增生期、重建期。

    Results The reconstruction of the elastic fiber after anstomosis could be divided into quiescent stage , hyperplasia stage , and rebuilding stage .

  2. synapsinⅠ的正常表达和PSD的正常可能是静止期内癫疒间不发作的原因之一;

    Normal expression of synapsin I and normal PSD is one of the reasons for seizure-free at resting phase .

  3. 静止期细胞,DNA紧密折叠以防止转录因子进入。

    In resting cells , DNA is tightly compacted to prevent accessibility of transcription factors .

  4. Zynga目前正处于IPO时的静止期(quietperiod),自然不会对此发表任何评论。

    No comment from the company , of course , as it is in a quiet period .

  5. 0.5~8.0cGyγ射线对静止期和丝裂原激活后的淋巴细胞双链DNA百分数无影响;

    There was no effect of low dose r-rays ( 0 . 5 ~ 8-0 cGy ) on DNA strand breaks of quiescent and mitogen-induced lymphocytes .

  6. 相反,在处于静止期或分化状态的细胞,c-myc的表达很低。

    In contrast , c-myc barely expresses in quiescent or well differentiated cells .

  7. 目的探讨甲状腺相关性眼病(TAO)静止期上睑退缩的手术治疗方法。

    Objective To study the surgical therapy of upper lid retraction with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy ( TAO ) in stable stage .

  8. 结论:人乳腺癌细胞系MCF-7含SP亚群,比例约为4%,且SP细胞多处于静止期,具有一般干细胞的特性。

    CONCLUSIONS : Breast cancer cell line MCF-7 contains SP and SP cells were quiescent like other stem cells .

  9. 目的探讨静止期甲状腺相关眼病(TAO)患者眼外肌病变的手术治疗时机、方法和效果。

    Objective To investigate the surgical timing of extraocular muscle surgery and its effect for stationary thyroid associated ophthalmopathy ( TAO ) .

  10. A组在急性期开始电针和超短波治疗,B组在急性期行超短波治疗,静止期再加用电针治疗。

    The group A were treated by electroacupuncture and ultrashort-wave from the acute stage and the group B were treated by ultrashort-wave at the acute stage and ultrashort-wave plus electroacupuncture at the resting stage .

  11. EGFR阳性表达率及阳性细胞密度,进展期患者明显大于静止期,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    The positive percentage and the density of EGFR staining cells were significantly increased in progressive stage than that in stable stage of psoriasis ( P0.05 ) .

  12. 结论膀胱颈过度活动,静止期近端尿道缩短是两种不同类型的女性压力性尿失禁的解剖学原因,也是B超诊断SUI的最有价值的客观指标。

    Conclusion Hypermobility of bladder neck , proximal urethra shortness were the most discriminative objective parameters for ultrasonography evaluating female SUI .

  13. Tong说静止期干细胞在骨髓移植中更可能成功地被接受。

    Quiescent stem cells , said Tong , are more likely to succeed in a recipient when they are used in bone marrow transplantation .

  14. 结论FGF显著促进内皮细胞增生,其可能机制是通过活化NF-κB,使细胞由静止期进入增殖期,促进DNA合成,细胞分裂;

    Conclusions The possible mechanism of EC proliferation stimulated by FGF is that FGF can activate NF - κ B to promote the synthesis of DNA and EC mitosis .

  15. 表皮生长因子阳性表达率及阳性细胞密度在静止期与进行期之间及初发病例与复发病例之间均无统计学差异(P均>0.05)。

    The percentage and the density of positive cells had no statistical difference either between the epidermis of the patients in stable stage and progressive stage or cases of first onset and relapsed ones ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  16. 5d内单歧藻的生长经历了停滞期、对数期、静止期3个阶段;

    The growth of microalgae during the 5 d period underwent lag , exponential and stationary growth phases .

  17. 而静止期乳腺肥大细胞数比泌乳期的多(P<0.01),分别为2.8±0.9和9.9±1.8个/视野(40倍物镜下,下同)。

    The MC numbers per field ( by 40x object lens , the following is the same ) were 2.8 ± 0.9 and 9.9 ± 1.8 in two stages . The mast cells remarkably increased during the non-lactating period ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 不同的起始密度(0.2×10~4cell/mL、0.4×10~4cell/mL和0.8×10~4cell/mL)对3种藻生长过程中进入指数生长期和静止期的时间、所达到的种群最大密度均有影响。

    Different initial cell densities ( 0.2 × l04cell / mL , 0.4 × l04cell / mL and 0.8 × l04cell / mL ) had apparent effects on the population growth of three species of microalgae .

  19. 结果显示,SLE患者在活动期与静止期血清抗ds&DNA含量均高于正常对照(P<0.01),且活动期与静止期相比也有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The results showed that anti-ds-DNA serum level in active and inactive phases was higher than those in controls ( P < 0.01 ), and also there was significant difference between active and inactive phase ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 目的探讨晚期帕金森病(PD)患者静止期18F-脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)PET的脑影像学特征及其意义。

    Objective To study regional cerebral glucose utilization with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose ( FDG ) / PET in advanced Parkinson 's disease ( PD ), and investigate the imaging characteristics of advanced PD patients .

  21. 结论:c-kit基因突变可使人类细胞的增生活性明显增强,并可以使更多的细胞由静止期进入增生期,提示c-kit基因突变有可能是引起GIST的恶性转化的关键机制之一。

    CONCLUSION : The mutant c-kit gene can promote human cell proliferation , which may play an important role in the malignant transformation of GIST .

  22. 植物血凝素(PHA)是T细胞的多克隆活化剂,可刺激静止期T细胞转化为淋巴母细胞,临床上可以作为免疫调节剂。

    Phytohemagglutinin ( PHA ) is multicolony activator of T cells . PHA can stimulate silent T cells to lymphoblasts and be used as immune modulator .

  23. 粘附的白血病细胞群中含有许多分化程度较低的静止期细胞,表达bcl-2基因,有一定抗药能力,是残留白血病细胞的来源。

    They derived from the adherent leukemic cell population , which was heterogeneous with many undifferentiated and dormant cells . They were drug resistant and expressed bcl 2 gene .

  24. 其中,处于静止期和DNA合成前期的细胞由第2代的74.17%增加至第8代的88.80%,处于DNA合成期的细胞由第2代的20.04%降低至第8代的7.95%。

    Meanwhile , The cells at resting stage and DNA presynthesis stage increased from 74.17 % in second generation to 88.80 % in eighth generation and cells at DNA synthesis stage decreased from 20.4 % in second generation to 7.95 % in eighth generation .

  25. 结果:静止期CMV感染者,空白对照组33.3%(8/24)发生CMV的活动性感染,而实验组无一例发生。

    RESULTS 33 3 % ( 8 / 24 ) of static CMV infection patients in the control group became active , none in test group ( 0 / 28 ) .

  26. SEB和PHA刺激组中,进行期IFNγ/IL4的比值均明显高于静止期(P<0.01)。

    The ratios of IFN γ / IL 4 stimulated by PHA and SEB were both significantly higher in active stage than in static stage ( P < 0.01 ) .

  27. 26例寻常型银屑病患者中,进行期患者AI、活性caspase-3的含量均显著高于静止期和消退期(P<0.05);

    In 26 patients with PV , AI and activated caspase-3 in the lesions were significantly higher in the progressive stage than those in the static and the regressive stages ( P < 0.05 ) .

  28. 粪乳铁蛋白在活动期IBD中明显升高,与静止期IBD、IBS和感染性肠炎比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    When IBD became active , the level of fecal lactoferrin increased significantly compared with that in inactive IBD , IBS and infective enteritis ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  29. 治疗后采用周围性面瘫症状体征分级量化进行临床疗效判定,并在治疗前后分别对发展期组和静止期组EMG波幅和潜伏期进行检测。

    The clinical therapeutic effects were evaluated by classification and quantification for symptom and physical sign of peripheral facial paralysis disease . Amplitude and latency period of EMG of two groups before and after treatment were measured .

  30. 结论氯离子通道阻滞剂NPPB能够抑制静止期的ARPE-19细胞进入细胞周期,从而抑制ARPE-19细胞的增生。

    ConclusionNPPB reduces the proliferation activity of ARPE-19 cells through inhibiting transition of quiescent ARPE-19 cells into the cell cycle .