
  1. 在过去,从青湖坐船到上海需要一整天时间;

    It used to take a whole day to travel from Qinghu to Shanghai by boat ;

  2. 吴建飞一辈子都没有多少时间陪伴其妻子和母亲以及佳瑶。佳瑶在青湖长大,而他的父亲却在遥远的地方当油漆匠。

    Jianfei spent a lifetime away from his wife and his mother , and from Jiayao , who was raised in the village while her father worked as a painter far away .

  3. 油气运移沿断层、不整合、孔隙或裂隙连络体系进行,运移驱动力在牛堡组沉积期为异常高压,而丁青湖组沉积期则为静水压力。

    The paths for hydrocarbon migration were dominated by faulting , unconformity , pores or fissure network system , where the driving forces for oil / gas migration would be abnormal high pressure ( Niubao formation depositional period ) and hydrostatic pressure ( Dinqing lake formation depositional period ) .