
  1. 青海盐湖地区某提炼锂、钾车间采用门式刚架。由于高度为24m,超过了《门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程》(CECS102∶2002)的规定。

    The portal frames were used for a workshop of refining lithium and potassium in Salt Lake Prefecture of Qinghai Province , whose height was 24m , which was not conformed with " Technical Regulations for Steel Structure of Light Buildings with Portal Frames "( CECS 102 ∶ 2002 ) .

  2. 青海盐湖资源开发与利用

    Exploitation and utilization of the salt - lake resources in Qinghai

  3. 浅议青海盐湖资源的可持续开发

    Discussion on sustainable development of salt lake resources in Qinghai province

  4. 青海盐湖资源可持续发展的评价指标研究

    Study on sustainable development evaluation index of Qinghai Salt Lakes resources

  5. 对青海盐湖资源优势转为经济优势的思考

    Study on Transforming Resource Advantage of Qinghai Salt Lakes into Economical Dominance

  6. 青海盐湖水化学类型的多元统计分类法

    Methods of Multivariate Statistical Classification of Hydrochemical Type of Qinghai Salt Lake

  7. 青海盐湖氯化镁资源开发

    Development of Magnesium Chloride Resources in Salt Lakes of Qinghai

  8. 青海盐湖初级碳酸锂产品制备高纯金属锂研究

    Preparation of High-Purity Lithium from Primary Product of Li_2CO_3 in Qarhan Salt Lake

  9. 青海盐湖资源综合利用

    Comprehensive Utilization of the Resources in Qinghai Salt Lakes

  10. 青海盐湖水氯镁石制备高纯镁砂研究

    Studies on Preparation of High Purity Magnesia from Bischofite in QingHai Salt Lakes

  11. 判别结果与青海盐湖的实际情况完全相符。

    Discriminant results entirely consistent with the actual situation .

  12. 高强和高性能混凝土在青海盐湖卤水中的抗腐蚀性

    Bittern attack resistance of high strength concrete and high performance concrete to qinghai salt lake

  13. 金属喷涂层在青海盐湖水中的腐蚀初探

    Study on Corrosion Mechanism of Spraying Metals Coating Immersed in the Water of Qinghai Saline Lake

  14. 青海盐湖中有丰富的氯化镁资源,由氯化镁可生产多种镁产品。

    The rich magnesium chloride resources in salt lakes of Qinghai can be devoloped various magnesium products .

  15. 结合青海盐湖工业集团有限集团公司盐田系统的取样分析。

    Based on generous sampling and analyzing data on solar ponds of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Group Co.

  16. 青海盐湖资源综合开发利用对我国氯碱工业格局的影响

    The influences of exploitation of the resources in Qinghai Salt Lake on the pattern of domestic chlor-alkali industry

  17. 应用主成分分析和判别分析分类技术研究了青海盐湖水化学类型。

    Application of principal component analysis and discriminant dassification techniques were studied hydrochemical types of Qinghai salt lake .

  18. 结果表明,青海盐湖水化学类型主要为硫酸镁盐型。

    The results showed that the main hydrochemical type of Qinghai salt lake is type of the magnesium sulfate .

  19. 锂离子电池巨大的市场,为青海盐湖锂资源的高值开发提供了历史性的机遇。

    And , the large share market of it provided a good chance for the lithium resources in Qinghai .

  20. 青海盐湖集团一期工程采卤现状综述及可持续发展探讨

    On the Status of Brine Exploitation and Its Sustainable Development of the First Phase Project Of Qinghai Salt Lake Group Company

  21. 青海盐湖卤水制取高纯镁砂试验技术研究

    Technical research on the experiment of exacting high purity Magnesium oxide out of brine from the salt lakes of Qinghai province

  22. 针对青海盐湖体系提取镁的工艺,对三水碳酸镁的溶解度和稳定性进行了测定。

    This paper reports the solubility and stability of nesquehonite which was synthesized in order to extract magnesium in the saline lakes in Qinghai province .

  23. 我国青海盐湖蕴藏着丰富的镁资源,为电解炼镁提供了大量优质的原料。

    There is a great reserve of magnesium chloride in Salt Lake in Qinghai province of China which can provide high grade raw materials for producing magnesium metal .

  24. 基本思路和主要内容为:1.介绍青海盐湖集团综合利用项目的基本情况,包括一期、二期工程的工作范围,项目组织结构及人力资源。

    Brief introduction of Qinghai salt lake group integrated utilization project , including working scope , project organization structure and human resource of phase 1 and phase 2 projects . 2 .

  25. 三氯化钛&重铬酸钾滴定法快速测定锰矿石中全铁青海盐湖10万t氯化钾生产全流程物流的系统标定

    Rapid Determination of the Total Iron in Manganese Ore by Titanium Trichloride-Potassium Dichromate Titrimetric Method Systematic Measurement of Inorganic Crystals Distribution for 100,000t / a KCl Production in Qinghai Salt Lake

  26. 对采自渤海沿岸盐场和青海盐湖的80份样品进行了不同类群的嗜盐、耐盐微生物的分离,得到了73个菌株,其中包括20株细菌,51株放线菌及2株真菌。

    Seventy-three halophilic and halotolerant strains were isolated from eighty samples in salt pool at Bohai seacoast and in salt lakes of Qinghai , which included twenty bacteria , fifty-one actinomycetes and two fungi .

  27. 在青海盐湖卤水中试验了四种钢铁材料的腐蚀,测定了灰口铸铁表面形成的覆盖物和腐蚀产物的形貌、组成。

    The corrosion of four kinds of iron and steel in Qinghai salt lake brine is tested . The morphology and composition of covering and corrosion products formed on the gray cast iron surface are determined .

  28. 介绍了青海盐湖资源综合开发利用情况,主要是利用盐湖资源生产钾肥、冶炼金属镁、生产锂盐及金属锂的工艺及研究现状,阐述了盐湖资源利用的动态平衡关系

    This paper introduces present situation of comprehensive development and utilization of Qinghai salt lake resources , especially the technologies for producing potash fertilizer , magnesium , lithium salts and metallic lithium from Qinghai salt lake resources , and also expounds the dynamic equilibrium in utilization of salt lake resources

  29. 青海省盐湖钾、镁、锂盐资源开发利用探讨

    Studies on Utilize of Potassium , Magnesium and Lithium in Salt Lakes of Qinghai Province

  30. 根据焦点问题法,建立青海省盐湖资源可持续发展的评价指标体系,并对各指标进行说明。

    The evaluation index system of sustainable development of Qinghai Salt Lakes resources has been established by applying the methed of focus problem , each index system has been showed .