
  • 网络young writer
  1. 这个话剧是由两位青年作家编导的。

    The play was written and directed by two young writers .

  2. 我们不应当对青年作家太苛求。

    We should not judge the young writers too harshly .

  3. 年轻时,她还因个人创作荣获W.H.史密斯青年作家奖。

    When she was younger , she also won the W. H. Smith Young Writers award for her creative writing .

  4. 近来崭露头角的青年作家

    A young writer who has recently come to / into prominence

  5. 那位批评家对这位青年作家的新小说作了吹毛求疵的抨击。

    The critic nibbled at the young writer 's new novel .

  6. 这本书收录了许多青年作家的作品。

    This book embodies the works of many young writer .

  7. 这本杂志以培养青年作家而出名。

    The magazine has a reputation for nurturing young writer .

  8. 这位青年作家在文学界很活跃。

    The young writer is quite active in literary circle .

  9. <<猫>是这名才华洋溢的青年作家最新的小说。

    Cats is the most recent novel by this remarkable young writer .

  10. 论30年代左翼青年作家群小说创作的审美倾向

    On the Aesthetic Tendency in the Novels by the Young Left-wing Writer Group

  11. 这位青年作家耗费精力,似乎从未听说过休息。

    The young author burned energy as if he never heard of resting .

  12. 这些青年作家大多来自工人阶级或者中下层阶级。

    These writers were from a working class or a lower-middle class origin .

  13. 这位青年作家从文学大师的作品中学到了许多东西

    The young writer learned a great deal from the works by master in literature

  14. 为中国人谋划完整的人格结构&评青年作家孔章圣的行为杂文创作

    INFORMAL ESSAY OF CREATION Work for the Perfection of Personality Structure of the Chinese

  15. 我有很多书,大部分都是青年作家写的。

    I have many books , most of which are written by young writers .

  16. 诗化散文与小说化散文是京派青年作家们在散文文体上的两种探索形态。

    I point out that the poetic essays and novelized essays are two creative forms .

  17. 有些青年作家认为她是值得信赖的,至少在写作技巧方面。

    For some young writers she was a person to believe in , if only as a technician .

  18. 是目前深富创作活力的青年作家中颇引人注目的一位,她的作品大体可以分为三个方面。

    Is young deep vibrant are creative writers in a quite remarkable , her works can be divided into three areas .

  19. 当然,有些青年作家可能很不屑,但这是我们的一种姿态。

    Of course , some youths writer is likely very distain , but a kind of attitude that this is us .

  20. 这一创作视角启发了一代青年作家,诱发了寻根文学的产生。

    His angle of writing has given inspiration to a generation of yong writers and thus contributes to the emergence of seeking-root literature .

  21. 青年作家张倩的散文,显示了新一代文学滇军的创作实绩。

    The creation of the young prose writer , Zhang Qian , represents the superiority of the native literary workers residing in Yunnan Province .

  22. 行走在记忆的洪荒旷野&仫佬族青年作家何述强散文的精神特质之探

    " Stepping in the Foreworld Moor of Memory " & A Study of the Spiritual Specialties of the Mulam Nationality Young Writer He Shu-qiang ' Proses

  23. 诗天空诗人协会副会长,山东省青年作家协会理事,青岛市作家协会会员。

    He is a vice president of PoetrySky Poets Association , one of the directors of Shandong Young Poets Association , a member of Qingdao Writers'Association .

  24. 知名青年作家兼赛车手韩寒在2006年开设其人气超高的讽刺性博客后,有评论人士将其誉为当代鲁迅。

    After the young celebrity novelist-racing driver Han Han launched his hugely popular satirical blog in 2006 , pundits labeled him ' the new Lu Xun . '

  25. 尽管也有一些青年作家试图揭示现实的矛盾,但他们也明显受到当代消费文化提示的审美趣味的影响。

    Although some young writes attempt to open out the contradiction of reality , but they are obvious to be influenced by aesthetic of contemporary consumption culture .

  26. 传统齐鲁文化熏陶下的乡村化山东都市,仅有为数不多的几位山东青年作家在支撑着该方面的小说创作。

    In the rural cities of Shandong province greatly influenced by traditional Qi Lu culture , there are only a few young writers working on the creation of novels .

  27. 曾参加全国青年作家创作会议、《诗刊》社青春诗会及全国散文诗笔会。

    He has ever participated in the National Meeting on Literary Creation by Young Writers , the " Youth Poetry Meeting " by the Poetry Periodical and the National Prose-Poetry Pen Club .

  28. 一个青年作家(查理兹·塞隆饰)回到她的家乡明尼苏达州,准备赢回她高中时“心上人”的心。想不到那个男人已经娶了别的女人。

    A teen-lit writer ( Charlize Theron ) returns to her Minnesota hometown to try to win back her high school sweetheart ( Patrick Wilson ), who 's already married to someone else .

  29. 五四文化精神给文学注入的个人话语,在20世纪20年代后期一批青年作家作品中主要表现为爱情受到压抑和摧残的苦闷。

    The individual discourse from the culture spirit of May the Fourth shows mainly the anguish when love is destroyed and oppressed according to the young writers ' works in the late of 1920s .

  30. 近些年,随着宁夏青年作家群的崛起,宁夏文学在新世纪文坛展露出不俗的实力,并引起了社会各界的广泛关注。

    In recent years , with the rapidly rise of the young writer community , Ningxia Literature shows great strengths in the new century literature area and attracts wide attention from all sectors of society .