
  • 网络howard schultz
  1. 近年来,星巴克(Starbucks)创始人兼首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨(HowardSchultz)一直在致力于改变人们喝咖啡的方式。

    In recent years , Howard Schultz , the founder and chief executive officer of Starbucks , has battled to change how we drink coffee .

  2. 是随着星巴克的崛起而普及起来的,霍华德·舒尔茨(HowardSchultz)在1980年代末收购了这个品牌,而后越做越大(随之变大的还有卡布奇诺的份量)。

    It went mainstream with the rise of Starbucks , which Howard Schultz bought and began expanding ( along with the sizing of cappuccino ) in the late 1980s .

  3. 星巴克发表了多份声明,并在文中表示,“种族团结”活动源于公司首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨(HowardSchultz)去年12月为讨论种族矛盾问题,而在公司位于西雅图的总部召集的一次会议。

    The company has said in statements that the " Race Together " initiative stems from a meeting that Howard Schultz , the chief executive of Starbucks , called in December at the company 's headquarters in Seattle to discuss racial tension .

  4. 星巴克董事长兼首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨在CNBC节目上表示,他相信中国经济和中国消费者的购买力。他还表示,该公司认为“这些都是星巴克在中国的初期发展。”

    Howard Schultz , chairman and CEO of Starbucks , said on a CNBC show that he believes in the Chinese economy and the buying power of Chinese consumers , adding that the company believes " these are the early days for Starbucks in China . "

  5. 霍华德·舒尔茨时任什么大公司的首席执行官?

    Howard Schultz is the CEO of what major company ?

  6. 霍华德·舒尔茨对他公司的顾客提出了要求。

    AZUZ : Howard Schultz has a request for his company 's customers .

  7. 对于拥有四十五年历史的星巴克公司以及星巴克首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨来说,这可谓是一个历史性的突破。

    It 's a symbolic move for the 45-year-old company and its CEO , Howard Schultz .

  8. 1987年,34岁的霍华德·舒尔茨召集了一批投资者,将他的老东家“星巴克咖啡公司”买下。

    In 1987 , at the age of 34 , Howard Schultz organized a group of investors and purchased his former employer , Starbucks Coffee Company .

  9. 对于大多数的北美人而言,霍华德·舒尔茨这个名字并非称得上是家喻户晓。但无论是城里人还是农村人却都知道他公司的名字——专业咖啡零售商星巴克。

    Howard Schultz is not a household name to most North Americans , but those living in urban or suburban communities know his company : the specialty coffee retailer Starbucks .

  10. 但是由于在美国本土遭遇财政问题,星巴克董事长霍华德·舒尔茨不远千里来到这里,招兵买马广开分店,希望主导蒸蒸日上的中国市场。

    But with financial troubles brewing back home , Starbucks chief Howard Schultz has come here , rallying employees and sprucing up stores , hoping to dominate the steaming Chinese market .