
  • 网络Hawthorne effect
  1. 霍桑效应对投篮教学训练效果的实验研究

    The Research of The Training Effect of " Hawthorne Effect " on The Teaching of Basketball Shooting

  2. 为了防止霍桑效应,教师对学生只字未提实验,以免学生为了取悦老师,而拼命用功。

    In order to prevent the Hawthorne effect , the teacher did not mention a word about the experiment to the students so that they did not need to work extremely hard to please her .

  3. 我们认为存在霍桑效应,李斯特表示,他指的是人们在受到研究时举止会与平时不同,但从霍桑实验的实际数据中,几乎找不到这样的证据。

    We believe that there is a Hawthorne Effect , says List , referring to the idea that people behave differently when studied , but there is little evidence of it in the actual Hawthorne data .

  4. 在学术界,霍桑效应指的是人们在参与实验时会卖力工作。两种观点都出人意料因而显得颇具趣味,同时也更加坚定了持有这些观点的人的偏见。

    Inside academia , the Hawthorne Effect refers to the idea that people work hard once you start experimenting on them . Both beliefs are surprising enough to be interesting , while nicely confirming the prejudices of those who hold them .

  5. 霍桑试验和鲇鱼效应对医院管理的启示和指导

    Hospital management reflections and guides given by Hawthorne test and Catfish effect