
  • 网络intensive pattern of economic growth
  1. 论知识经济与集约型经济增长方式的相关性

    On the Relativity of the Growth Ways of Knowledge Economy and the Intensive Economy

  2. 文章指出,大力发展信息技术和信息产业,推动国民经济信息化,提高经济和社会的信息化水平,是实现我国集约型经济增长方式的关键。

    Then the author mentions that the informatization of national economy is the key for the intensive growth in China .

  3. 并对地勘经济结构、适度经济规模与集约型经济增长方式的关系作了简要论述。

    Moreover , it briefly states the economy structure in the geological prospecting sectors and relations between the proper economy scale and intensive economy growth mode .

  4. 指出中国的经济发展目前仍处于一种粗放的非集约型经济增长方式。

    Finally , some policy instructions are proposed in order to promote our country 's intensive economic development and realize the transition of the economic growth pattern in the end .

  5. 我国目前正处于二元经济向一元经济转变、计划经济向市场经济转变、粗放型经济增长方式向集约型经济增长方式转变的历史性变革时期。

    At present , China is being in the period of historic transitions , from unitary economy to dualistic economy , from planned economy to market economy and from to economical economy .

  6. 如果集约型经济增长方式转变是长期的,那么这种长期性在很大程度上决定了土地利用集约化的长期性。

    If the transformation of intensive economy is in the long run , such nature will in turn decide the character of land intensive utilization , which is also in the long term .

  7. 坚持实现从粗放型经济增长方式向集约型经济增长方式的转变,是未来农业取得成功的关键,也是农业面临着外部条件剧烈变化的必然选择。

    Following the transference of extensive economic growth into intensive economic growth plays a key role in the success of future agriculture as well as the inevitable choice for the agriculture facing the drastic changes to the external conditions .

  8. 区域科技与经济系统的协调发展是实现区域集约型经济增长方式的突破口,是获得高质量经济增长的重要途径,是区域振兴的关键,是区域可持续发展的前提和基础。

    The coordinated development between ST and economy system is the breakthrough of intensive economical growth pattern , the way to achieve economical development of high quantity , the key to achieve regional development , the base to achieve sustainable development .

  9. 涂饰环保要转变传统的粗放型经济增长方式为现代的集约型经济增长方式,就要实现环境保护由末端治理为主向清洁生产的战略转移。

    If you want realize this change in the coating environmental protection field , the traditional expanding economy should be change to the new modern intensive economy , moreover , we should do the protection from the product-line rather than govern it at the end .

  10. 论证了内含的扩大再生产和集约型的经济增长方式都是以资源的高效利用、循环利用为核心,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为特征的增长模式;

    It also showed the high efficiency and recycled utilization of natural resources is the core of intensive economy .

  11. 本文认为云南省在工业化的进程中要走新型工业化道路,最迫切需要解决的问题是转变其经济增长方式,也就是从粗放型向集约型的经济增长方式转变。

    The paper view that the process of industrialization of Yunnan Province must go along the road of new industrialization , from extensive economic growth mode to intensive growth mode .