
  • 网络centralized accounting
  1. 以会计集中核算为平台进行国库集中支付十分必要,会计集中核算将财政监督的职能推进到了一个新阶段。

    The centralized accounting system propels the function of financial supervision forward .

  2. 会计集中核算的主要弊端及应对措施

    The Main Disadvantages and Response of Accountants ' Centralized Accounting

  3. 浅析企业会计集中核算出现的问题及应对措施

    Analysis on the Problems and Countermeasures of Concentrated Accounting in Enterprises

  4. 基于协同平台的财务集中核算系统研究

    The Research of the Centralized Accounting System Based on Collaboration Platform

  5. 当前财政资金会计集中核算存在的问题及对策

    The Problems in the Current Financial Funds ' Central Accounting and Countermeasures

  6. 会计集中核算制度有待在实践中进一步加强和完善。

    Central accounting calculation is still to be further strengthened and improved .

  7. 会计集中核算与国库集中收付融合研究

    Research on the Combination of Gathering Business Accounting and Gathering Treasury Cash

  8. 浅谈会计集中核算向国库集中收付过渡的必要性

    Discussion the Necessity of Final Accounting Transiting to Treasury Payment

  9. 军队会计集中核算与资金集中支付的比较和选择

    Comparison and selection of troops accounting centralized assess and Funds Centralized Payment

  10. 会计集中核算与行政事业审计

    Talk about the Accountancy Concentrates to Check and Audit with Administration Business

  11. 试论会计集中核算体制下的高校财务管理

    On Financial Management of Universities in the Centralized Accounting System

  12. 刍议会计集中核算制

    A Rustic Study on the Accounting Concentration Checking System

  13. 国库支付是较会计集中核算更高层次的核算方式。

    The exchequer expense is a higher level accounting contrasted to intensive accounting .

  14. 会计集中核算对审计的影响及对策

    Influence of Concentrative Accounting to Audit and ITs Countermeasures

  15. 试论会计集中核算制度的适用范围

    On the Application Range of Centralized Accounting System

  16. 关于完善会计集中核算制的思考

    Considerations about Perfecting the Centralized Accounting Calculation System

  17. 目前,许多企事业单位都顺应这种变革实行了会计集中核算。

    Currently , concentrated accounting system is practiced in many institutional organizations and enterprises .

  18. 对基层单位实行会计集中核算的探讨加强基层单位财务管理与监督之我见

    Investigation on Accountant Centralized Accounting In Grass-roots Unit Discussion on Financial Management and Supervision

  19. 陕西省会计集中核算制度的改革走向

    Reform to Centralized Accounting System in Shaanxi Province

  20. 新的集中核算模式下资金收支的业务流程主要有五种类型。

    Five types of income & outcome process occur in the new centralized-accounting model .

  21. 推行会计集中核算是公共财政支出的一项改革,有其积极意义,同时又有待于完善。

    The practice of centralized accounting is a very significant reform in public finance expenditure .

  22. 改进行政事业单位会计集中核算问题探讨

    Improve accounting concentration problems of administrative institution

  23. 关于预算会计集中核算问题的探讨

    On Centralized Computing Problems of Budget Accounting

  24. 公路施工企业中的财务集中核算

    Financial centralized accounting in highway construction enterprises

  25. 会计集中核算制是会计委派制的一种常用方式。

    Accounting centralized assessing system is one of the common practice of accounting designating system .

  26. 试论会计集中核算制度

    Discussion on Accounting Concentrate Control System

  27. 客户的财政部会计集中核算与国库集中支付制度有效融合的创新研究&以抚州市为例

    A Research on Valid Combination of the Systems of Concentrative Business Accounting and Treasury Concentrative Payment

  28. 从会计集中核算与国库集中支付的区别看二者的内在联系

    Discussion about Internal Relation From the Difference Between Accounting Centralized Assessment and National Treasury Centralized Payment

  29. 论会计集中核算制与国库集中支付制相结合

    On the Feasibility of the Combining Centralized Accounting System and the Centralized State Treasury Payment System

  30. 最后,在如何推行会计集中核算方面提出自己的见解。

    Finally , on how to implement centralized accountant business accounting aspects put forward its own views .