
lì shǔ ɡuān xi
  • affiliation;relationship of administrative subordination
  1. 在产权交易市场进行产权交易,不受地区、行业、出资或者隶属关系的限制。

    Transactions conducted in the property rights trading market are not subject to restriction of regions , trades , amount of capital put in or relationship of administrative subordination .

  2. 物资指标按隶属关系分配。

    Quotas of the means of production are allocated by the higher administrative bodies to the lower ones .

  3. 覆盖广义Rough集中的隶属关系

    Membership Relations in Covering Generalized Rough Sets

  4. AHP法是一种广泛应用的多准则决策模型,该模型的递阶层次是基于相邻层次的隶属关系。

    AHP algorithm is a widely used multi-criterion decision model , the hierarchy of which is based on the jurisdiction relation .

  5. 本文的主要工作如下:1、综述了快速应用程序开发RAD与软件工厂的基本思想和方法,并论证了RAD、软件工厂与Wizard三者之间的隶属关系;

    Basic ideas of rapid application development ( RAD ) and software factory are surveyed ;

  6. 医院集团(HospitalGroup)是医院重组的主要模式,是指由3家或3家以上具有独立法人资格的医院,经协商、谈判联合成有隶属关系和连锁经营的医院集团组织。

    To set up Hospital Group is one of the major forms of restructuring the hospitals , which means 3 or more than 3 hospitals forms hospital group through negotiation ot through setting up subsidiary or links .

  7. 多路径的执行控制将路径中的分支方向编码为路径标识,辨别不同Trace之间的路径隶属关系,以此为基础,实施多条Trace执行时的数据和控制信息的正确传播。

    Multi-path execution is controlled through trace identifier , which is generated by coding branch directions in a path . Trace identifier benefits propagation of data and control within multiple traces .

  8. EM聚类算法是一种流行的迭代求精算法,可以看作是k均值算法的一种扩展,该算法根据对象与簇之间的隶属关系发生的概率来分配对象。

    EM clustering algorithm is a popular iterative refinement algorithm which can be regarded as an extension of K-means algorithm . Based on the probability of the occurrence of subordination between objects and clusters , the objects can be allotted by this algorithm .

  9. 本文对k调和均值算法进行扩展,考虑到数据点同时对不同聚类的隶属关系,将模糊的概念应用到聚类中,提出了模糊k调和均值&Fuzzyk-HarmonicMeans(FKHM)算法。

    Considering the fact that the same data may belong to several clusters to some extent at the same time , the fuzzy membership concept of data is used in the process of clustering , the fuzzy k-harmonic means clustering algorithm is thus proposed .

  10. 我国企业内部审计机构隶属关系研究

    The Affiliated Research for Internal Audit Institutions of China 's Enterprises

  11. 法律顾问处之间没有隶属关系。

    Legal advisory offices shall not be subordinate to one another .

  12. 关于建立一个医学教育研究机构合理的隶属关系的初探

    Study on a proper position for medical educational research institutes

  13. 从词所表示的事物隶属关系角度解释部首字;

    Explanation from the word function ; 6.Explanation from the word affiliation ;

  14. 自动生成各节点主从隶属关系等功能,从而可大大提高复杂高层建筑结构的分析精度和分析效率。

    The analysis precision and efficiency are thus improved greatly .

  15. 首先,建立了隶属关系式并进行运算;

    Firstly , the subordination relation formulae are established and computations are made .

  16. 虚拟产品设计过程中零部件之间的隶属关系问题

    The subordination of parts in the virtual product design

  17. 试论企业隶属关系的改革

    On the Administrative Restructuring of the Relationship Between the State and the State-Owned Enterprises

  18. 第二是高等航海教育行政管理体制隶属关系比较。

    The second is the comparison of the higher education administration system subordinate relations sailing .

  19. 新疆生产建设兵团和新疆军区隶属关系考

    An Investigation to Relationship Between Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps ( XPCC ) and Xinjiang Military Area

  20. GB/T12404-1997单位隶属关系代码

    Coding for subordination of organization

  21. 这种身份上的变化也导致了高校教师与高校之间的原有的行政隶属关系发生了变化。

    Accordingly , the administrative subordination relationship formerly existed between university teachers and government was also changed .

  22. 园区内企业隶属关系、产值统计、财税收入等归创办方。

    The ownership , production statistics and financial income of enterprise in the park belong to the sponsoring party .

  23. 民间职业伶人是指没有固定演出场所和收入的流动伶人,伶人与欣赏者没有隶属关系。

    Civilian occupation actor is not fixed venues and income flow actors , actors and audience without subordinating relation .

  24. 正如你所想的那样,学生们各自的政党隶属关系对他们的投票意愿有关键性的影响。

    As you 'd expect , the students'own political affiliations played a key role in their willingness to vote .

  25. 头骨人工加长技术,它象征着的是团队内部的隶属关系或社会地位,最早使用于9000年前。

    The practice of skull elongation - to signify group affiliation or social status - dates back 9,000 years .

  26. 由管理职能所决定,税收的根据是人民对国家的隶属关系。

    The management function determine that the base of tax is the subordinate relationship for the people to the nation .

  27. 招标代理机构与行政机关和其他国家机关不得存在隶属关系或者其他利益关系。

    Procuratorial agencies may not have any subordination relations or other interest relations with administrative organs and other State organs .

  28. 此后,行政隶属关系多有改变,但县名沿用至今。

    Since then , the relationship between the number of administrative changes , but the counties were still in use .

  29. 分析两国航海类院校行政隶属关系的构成,并探讨两种隶属关系的优势所在。

    Analysis of nautical institutes administrative subordination relations between the two countries , and discusses the advantage of two subordinate relations .

  30. 高校教师的自由流动特指改变人员隶属关系的流动行为。目前在制度和观念等方面存在的某些障碍,已经成为教师自由流动的羁绊。

    The teachers ' free flowing in colleges and universities means one kind of mobile behavior which changes the subordinative relations .