
  • 网络release agent;parting agent;dusting agent
  1. 无溶剂硅酮隔离剂的研究状况及应用

    The Present Situation of the Research Work and Application of Solventless Silicone Release Agent

  2. 锚定剂对有机硅隔离剂性能的影响

    Effect of Anchorage Agent on Properties of Silicone Release Agent

  3. Hi-B钢最新技术涉及诸多方面,本文对开发高温退火隔离剂,改善最终高温退火工艺,无铬薄膜的形成方法,改善薄膜质量进行了分析、研究,以供借鉴。

    For Hi-B silicon steels , recent technology includes a lot of aspects , this paper analyzed and explored on the development of new high-temperature annealing segregator , ultimate high-temperature annealing process improvement thin film chrome-less forming method and upgrade thin film .

  4. 对溶剂型室温硫化有机硅隔离剂的探讨

    Discussion on the Release Agent of RTV Silicone with Solvent Type

  5. 采用工业废料生产A型混凝土隔离剂

    Production of Type A concrete isolating agent by using industrial wastes

  6. 水乳型压敏胶带隔离剂的研制

    Studies on Emulsion Type isolation Agent for Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Tape

  7. 快速铸轧隔离剂研究

    Study on Lubricant in High-speed Cast and Roll

  8. 乳液型隔离剂的合成与应用

    Synthesis and Application of emulsion type release agent

  9. 新氧气袋中隔离剂排除法

    Elimination of Isolation Agent in New Oxygen Bag

  10. 辐射固化有机硅隔离剂

    Review of radiation curable organosilicon release agent

  11. 有机硅隔离剂的进展

    Advance of organo - silicon release agent

  12. 以聚乙烯醇为分散剂的水基隔离剂

    An Aqueous Release Agent Containing Polyvinyl Alcohol

  13. 配制加成型液体硅橡胶基胶以及新型防粘纸用隔离剂;

    Used as base rubber for preparing addition type liquid silicone rubber and new dusting agent for anti-adhesive paper ;

  14. 以单体、水、引发剂为主要原料,通过添加增粘剂、隔离剂等研制出一种水溶再湿性粘合剂。

    The adhesive is developed using monomer , water , initiator , with the addition of adhesion-increasing agent and separator .

  15. 从理论上分析了隔离剂对接触热导的影响,并通过实验研究了接触热导随喷涂量和表面活性剂乙醇添加量的变化规律。

    The influence of the dose of graphite and the content of alcohol on thermal contact resistance ( TCR ) was studied .

  16. 本文主要研究了反应条件、增粘剂、固含量、隔离剂等因素对粘合剂性能的影响。

    The effects of adhesion-increasing agent , reaction condition , solid content , separator on the adhesive are investigated in the paper .

  17. 介绍了用轻质氧化镁制造硅钢板退火用隔离剂氧化镁的试验。

    The test with light megnesium oxide make megnesium oxide using silicon steel band annealing as isolation agent are presented in this paper .

  18. 本文叙述了利用重叠法生产混凝土构件时构件之间所用隔离剂的制备与实验情况。

    This paper reports the preparation and performance tests of isolating agent applied between concrete members while they are manufactured by overlapping process .

  19. 以不同种材料做隔离剂,随着隔离剂硬度的增大,复层的表面质量变差,但对结合强度没有明显的影响。

    With the increment in hardness of segregate materials , at the same heat temperature , the surface of the cladding plate is more rough .

  20. 研究了凝聚方式、隔离剂、凝聚剂、胶浆稳定性、凝聚条件、凝聚设备的结构等对成粉率的影响,成粉率达90%以上。

    The effect of coagulating way , insulator , coagulating agent , latex stability , coagulating condition , structure of coagulator on powdered rate were studied .

  21. 本文对溶剂型有机硅隔离剂的溶剂与硅橡胶,偶联剂和催化剂等进行了论述。

    In this paper , the release agent of RTV silicone which was composed of solvent , silicone rubber , coupling agent and catalyst was explained .

  22. 本文详细介绍了利用工业废料研制A型混凝土隔离剂及各项性能指标。

    The development of Type A concrete isolating agent by using industrial wastes and the property indices of the agent are introduced in detail in this paper .

  23. 本文介绍了近年来加成型无溶剂硅酮隔离剂的研究状况、涂布工艺及应用。

    The present situation of the research work , coating technology and application of additive solventless silicone release agent in recent years are described in this paper .

  24. 比较了几种锚定剂的粘度、用量、稀释剂种类等对溶剂型有机硅隔离剂基本性能的影响。

    The effect of the viscosity , the content , the kind of diluent of anchorage agent on the properties of silicone release agent of solvent type was compared .

  25. 技术上的进步例如汉高的半永久隔离剂1分钟就会干透使车队能够更快地对赛车进行改造。

    Technology advances - such as Henkel 's semi-permanent release agent which dries in just one minute - give teams the ability to make improvements to the car much more quickly .

  26. 本文分析了固化条件对硅酮皮膜形成的影响,比较了不同氯铂酸络合物的催化效果并讨论了产生差异的原因,研究了影响隔离剂剥离力的因素。

    In this article , the influence of curing condition on the coating , catalytic difference of two kinds of platinum catalyst , and influence factors on the release force were studied respectively .

  27. 研究了搅拌转速、凝聚剂用量、隔离剂用量、凝聚温度以及成型剂加入温度对PSBR1712成粉率的影响。

    The effects of stirring speed ,( amount ) of coagulating agent , separating agent , temperature of coagulation and forming ( agent ) adding on powdered ratio of PSBR 1712 were studied .

  28. 采用一价钠盐、二价镁盐和二价钙盐的复合凝聚剂和有机酸盐与硅油的复合隔离剂可制得性能较好的非交联型粉末丁腈橡胶。

    Non - crosslinked powdered butadiene - acrylonitrile rubber with better properties could be prepared using coagulant compounded with Na + , Mg2 + and Ca2 + and insulator compounded with organic acid salt and silicone oil .

  29. 同时充分应用最优化思想,设计出人工隔层厚度的最优化模型,并量化出隔离剂输送时的最佳排量和临界隔离剂用量。

    At the same time , by applying the optimization , the author has designed the optimization model of artificial barrier 's high , and has quantified the best delivery rate and critical amount of the separant when it is being transported .

  30. 并分析了人工隔层控制缝高的原理和裂缝内隔离剂输送规律,同时也提出了控制缝高技术的研究内容与发展趋势。

    Also , the mechanism of the artificial interlayer to control the fracture height is analyzed and the law of the partition movement in the fractures is studied . Meanwhile , the researching points and the developing trend of the technology to control fracture height are described .