
  • 网络separate but equal
  1. 与一个世纪前一样,根本没有什么迹象显示隔离但平等的原则现在行得通了。

    There is no evidence that separate but equal today works any better than it did a century ago .

  2. 作为全国有色人种协进会法律活动的总监,休斯敦策划了最终通向布朗诉托皮卡教育局案的策略,颠覆了最高法院在隔离但平等决策的地位。

    Then as director of the NAACP 's legal campaign , Houston masterminded the strategy that eventually led to the historic decision of Brown vs. Board of Education , which reversed the Supreme Court 's position on separate but equal .

  3. 1954年5月17日,布朗诉求教育委员会案胜诉,揭穿了“隔离但平等”这一谎言。

    May 17 , 1954 , it says here , Brown vs. Board of Education came down and put the lie to the idea that separate can ever really be equal .