
  • 网络rollovers
  1. DFTT有权每天修改差价合同的隔夜利息并通知客户。

    DFTT reserves the right to change the swap value applicable to the CFDs on a daily basis and inform Client .

  2. 从周三至周四隔夜利息是按三倍计算。

    From Wednesday to Thursday swaps are calculated in triple size .

  3. 从星期五至星期一隔夜利息计算一次。

    From Friday to Monday swaps are calculated once .

  4. 这一举措使得银行与银行间短期拆借隔夜利息降至3.5%。

    The move brought the rate that banks charge each other to borrow money overnight to three and one-half percent .

  5. 为了绕开这个条款,许多美国公司都设立了“通账户”,利用电子支付设备将资金转到开曼,在这些资金转回国内前将其作为隔夜拆借赚取利息收益。

    To get around this , many American banks set up " sweep accounts " that electronically funnel money to Cayman for an interest-earning overnight stay before being swept back home .