
suí zàng
  • be buried with the dead;bury together
随葬 [suí zàng]
  • [bury together] 用财物、器具等随同死者一起埋葬

随葬[suí zàng]
  1. 这个古墓里出土了很多精美的随葬品。

    Many exquisite funerary objects were extracted from this grave .

  2. 本文对这两类随葬品中的主要器物做了详细的类型学研究。

    This paper made a detailed typological study on these two kinds .

  3. 此次出土的随葬金银器数量多、工艺精,在无锡地区极为少见,显示了民间工匠的高超技术和智慧。

    This amazing discovery showed superb technique and intelligence of folk craftsman .

  4. 动物随葬是古代墓葬中比较常见的一种现象。

    Animal burial is a common phenomenon in ancient tombs .

  5. 从新石器时代的考古遗存中就已经出现了随葬动物的现象。

    From the New Stone Age archaeological remains had been buried animal phenomenon .

  6. 我们接手过一个小伙,随葬品是他的掌上游戏机。

    We even had one guy who was buried with his Game Boy .

  7. 祈求永生的古代随葬玉

    On Funerary Jades Impetrating Eternity in Ancient Times

  8. 随葬器物数量多,种类丰富,保存状况良好。

    The number of funerary objects is numerous , and the save circumstance is good .

  9. 个别墓葬发现头龛或脚龛,但龛中不见随葬品。

    Occasionally , there were head niche or feet niche in the tombs without burial goods .

  10. 男性墓葬随葬鼎簋的数量多于女性墓葬。

    The number of men tombs buried with Ding and Gui were more than women tombs .

  11. 吐鲁番出土的文书和随葬品充分证明了这一历史史实。

    The ancient books and articles in the tombs unearthed in Turpan have proved this historical fact .

  12. 第四章考察了耳饰的佩戴习惯及其与随葬品的组合关系。

    The fourth chapter investigated the habits of wearing earrings and its combination with other burial objects .

  13. 随葬器物中的铜、陶器置于棺椁之间的头箱内;

    Bronze and pottery objects were found in the head boxes between the coffin and coffin chamber .

  14. 隋唐时期是我国兴起墓中随葬镇墓神物的第二个高峰。

    The period of Sui and Tang dynasties was the second pinnacle of prevailing of burying tomb guardians .

  15. 半坡成人死后埋入公共墓地,常随葬陶器及骨珠等装饰品。

    Banpo adult death buried in public cemeteries , often Suizang pottery and bone beads and other decorations .

  16. 随葬品主要有三彩俑及器物、彩绘陶俑、瓷器、玉器、铜器及墓志等。

    The major yield includes the tricolor figurines and objects , porcelain , jade and bronze articles , epitaph etc.

  17. 由于随葬动物以不同形式、不同位置埋于墓葬中,其出现的目的和作用也大相径庭。

    Because the animals were buried in different forms and position , while the purpose and effect also quite different .

  18. 一座女孩土坑墓中随葬品精致丰富,表明当时对女孩的爱重。

    A funerary objects in the tomb pit girls exquisite rich , that was heavy on the girl 's love .

  19. 那么作为这一时期新出现的一种文化现象,特别是作为直接体现外来文化的胡人形象,以俑的形制随葬在长江流域墓葬之中,到底蕴藏着怎样的文化信息?

    As one kind of new phenomenon in this period , what kind of cultural information does it provide for us ?

  20. 随葬器物较为丰富,出土有陶器、铜器、漆器、铁器、金银器等。

    The funrary objects were quite rich , made of pottery , bronze , lacquer , iron , gold and silver .

  21. 就墓葬形制和随葬陶器来看,同中原地区发现的同时期墓葬没有太大的区别。

    Considering the burial custom and artifacts , there are little differences between these tombs and those discovered in Central Plain .

  22. 其墓葬形制时代特征明显,并具有典型的随葬器物组合,对研究汉代平民阶层的葬俗具有一定的参考价值。

    This excavation has certain importance because of the obvious time characteristic , typical combination of fun exact objects and exact timing .

  23. 各墓规模和随葬品差别很小,但女子随葬品略多于男子。

    The scale of the tombs and funerary objects difference is very small , but the woman funerary objects slightly more than men .

  24. 一些墓葬随葬漆面罩、空中枕等带有地域性特征器物,这与该区历史沿革及地理环境是相关联的。

    Some tombs , funerary paint mask air pillow with regional features artifacts , this and the history and geographical environment is associated .

  25. 表现在考古学文化上,从东汉时期在长江流域的墓葬中开始出现以胡人俑随葬的现象。

    In the tombs of Eastern Han appeared a lot of Figurines of Hu people , which acted as a carrier of foreign culture .

  26. 商代对牛类资源的使用,最重要且可确定的用途是食肉、占卜、祭祀、随葬和制作骨器。

    The most important and assured usages of cattle in Shang Dynasty are meat , augury , sacrifice , bury and made into bone artifacts .

  27. 在整个黑暗时代,物质文明相对落后,随葬物品的种类非常有限。

    Throughout the Dark Age , material civilization was not flourishing , and by the archeological exploration , variation in grave goods was very limited .

  28. 随葬动物以狗、羊、牛、猪为主,也能发现鹿、鱼和其他动物。

    Funerary animal often as dogs , sheep , cattle , pigs , deer regularly , also can be found in fish and other animal .

  29. 简单的土坑墓。出土随葬器物262件,其中陶器245件、铜器15件、铁器1件、石器1件。

    Two hundred and sixty-two pieces of funeral artifacts , including 245 potteries , 15 bronzes , 1 stone and 1 iron objects , were found .

  30. 经过近百年来探险家、考古家们的忙碌,已在罗布荒漠发现了许多大规模的墓葬及随葬物品。

    After the last century explorers , archaeologists are busy at home , have been found in the desert Rob many large-scale tombs and funerary items .