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  1. 本文主要研究了用直接竞争性酶联免疫吸附检测法(ELISA)检测土壤及水样中除虫脲含量的方法。

    This paper described the development of sensitive competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays ( ELISAs ) for quantitative detection of insecticide diflubenzuron in soil and water .

  2. 药剂处理后的亚洲玉米螟雌蛾在第一个暗期的求偶百分率都较对照组均有所下降,其中以氟啶脲处理组的影响最大,雌蛾求偶百分率仅为29.87%,而除虫脲的影响最小。

    The Courtship percentage of the surviving female treated with insecticides droped in the first scotophase , and the influence of chlorfluazuron was the max , its percentage was only 29.87 % , but the impact of diflubenzuron was the minimum .

  3. 除虫脲泡腾片剂制备中的影响因素及质量检测

    Affective Factors and Qualities on Preparation of Diflubenzuron Effervescent Tablet

  4. 除虫脲泡腾片剂的制备及毒力测定

    Preparation of diflubenzuron effervescent tablet and determining of toxity

  5. 农药除虫脲的毒性试验

    Toxicity testing of the pesticide diflubenzuron

  6. 除虫脲生产的经济分析

    Economic analysis of diflubenzuron production

  7. 方法的标准偏差为0.33,变异系数为0.39%,除虫脲的回收率在98.9O~101,70%之间。

    The standard deviation was 0.33 and the coefficient of varia-tion was 0.39 % . The recovery was 98.90 ~ 101.70 % .

  8. 结果与结论:除虫脲急性经口、经皮毒性属低毒,对兔眼及皮肤无刺激性,属弱致敏物;

    Results and Conclusion : Acute oral and dermal toxicity of diflubenzuron is low ; there were no skin and eye irritability in rabbits .